Ah man missus birthday weekend we are off away could of done with this to give the blade another run after being pieced back together
I'm desperate to get out on mine before the first hottrax round to give it a good run out but off skiing on Tuesday for a week. Was going to spray the R6 today but the weather is gash
or smashed my ankle into several peices,or scuffed several sets of leathers or broke my thumb or...well,you get the picture. the reason i cant ski anymore is due to bike crash
considering doing the Saturday just need to break it to her indoors and see how much of a bollocking i get haha
I'd love to do this lads but I'm waiting on dainese making my new leathers did I mention my bike needs to go to almeria at the 21 st of March aswell so it's cutting it close I Kay be going with no leathers or wearing them on the plane on the way over there