I saw a bike today that had a short piece of clear tube that acted as the rear reservoir. Has anyone seen one of these before or know where you can get them from? Cheers
8 mm I think, I found the clip that came with it pinch the hose and leaked. And some one else posted up about it, same problem
Not fussy on the HRC kit personally. Looks tacky IMO. I'd rather go with an aluminium machined pot like Rizoma etc.
I had the pot type first but no heel gaurd, lost the top some where round donington on track day, some how undone it with my boot. Brake fluid all over swing arm
Got mine from Japan but they're maybe now available in the UK, cost about £120 if I remember http://japan.webike.net/bm/brd/Brake+Master+cylinder/GSG+MOTOTECHNIK/1014/1846/ https://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=gsg brake reservoir&oq=gsg brake reservoir&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.6524j0j7