Does that mean you now qualify for coach tours and a tartan blanket to keep your legs warm when you take out your next policy... ?
Looks like future forum meet ups will have to be somewhere that does bingo and has a pensioners special menu looking at these posts... Oh I doubt anyone will read this till the morning as it'll be cocoa and tucked up in bed by nine for most....
However..... You do see an awful lot of biffers on the road legally that really shouldn't be there at all. I mean... someone must be insuring them... So it might actually get easier...
Judging by the amount of Greybeards at Brands at the ain't no surprise and it's all about market share nowadays.......(I count myself as one) A new question on the prop form perhaps......Do you remember Mrs Dale's Diary? If yes an extra 10% discount.....
Since posting on here with comments alluding to old age and pensioners, I've noticed that the adverts that appear due the the bots scanning what being typed, have starting advertising Harley Davidsons