What's your level of fitness for riding?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Garyb, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Ok just going to throw this one out to the forum, and I will ask....
    What's your fitness level like?
    Can you hack a long ride out without aches and pains?
    Are your leathers a little tighter than the previous year?
    Are your reactions a little slower?
    Ever get that headache when you've got back from a days riding, and you blame it on the exhaust/wind noise?
    Experts reckon a healthy person has a better ability to ride a bike than a less healthy specimen, I'm sure there are lots of peeps on here that could disprove this by offering a race around some local track, but could you go the distance? If you were unfit?
    So do you prepare yourself for the biking season or do you just get on and go as you are?
    Have a look here see if your up to it.
    I know I'm not ;)

    Fitness for Motorcyclists - Feature Review - Sport Rider

    Motorcycle Rider Fitness | Diseno-art.com

    Don't know about you but...........I'll start after the new year ;)
  2. RichC

    RichC Active Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    Ask John McGuiness the only person I know who can eat a full English breakfast, cooked dinner roll of the sofa and be quickest round the Isle of Man constantly. You either got it or you haven't.
  3. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I could go out all day riding hard most of the time no probs when i was racing motocross

    Had a year out and i was getting tired on the road bikes and riding like a fanny so i took up cycling and i feel a lot better on the bike now .
  4. Benn The Pig

    Benn The Pig Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Yeah man I'm
    18st and that's light for me add the leathers and gear and I'm heavy heavy, I train 5-6 times a week but I'll never be an 11-12 st racing snake but I like to bully the bike around and muscle it about you just gotta adapt as u can
  5. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    I,d love to get fitter, day time ridings ok, but doing a trackdays, hanging off non stop my legs ache like hell the next day. Perhaps in the new year hey!
  6. bluekontakt2004

    bluekontakt2004 Active Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Im 6ft, 14 stone and have a pie belly.

    Smoke 20 fags a day.

    can quite happily do a 400 mile ride with no problems, maybe get a slightly achey right knee due to an old rugby injury that re-developed in 2007 in a motorcycle accident.

    Can manage a day out on track but when i sit down afterwards i just fall asleep.

    I dont drink so food and smokes are my vices.
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    I got 30 odd years of Guinness between me and my tank pad with a relatively short reach. Couple that with osteo arthritis in my right shoulder from an old injury and encroaching sciatica and the bed of nails Honda call the 'seat' on my 'Blade and you can understand why I had to turn down Jonny's invite to go on the Le Touquet run.

    The recent MCN supplement on the Paginale showed a great picture of the Ducati test rider in his one piece and he was the same shape as me. So, if it's good enough for him...
  8. Lowlight

    Lowlight Active Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    I raced Motor Cross for years then did road racing - road racing is so much easier on the body I stopped training. I do train now though as I've been off the crosser for years, the only thing that gets me on a long ride is my right wrist (I guess I should exercise it more...). I think I may have knackered it somewhere down the line.
  9. JD

    JD Active Member

    May 18, 2011
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    With age comes experience, I experience backache, arse-pain from Spinal nerve surgery twice this year, arthritis in my right foot and so on. Luckily, I am also in denial ;)

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  10. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Football/ Tennis/ Running /Training/ Cycling / Nope not me, ok on the bike but after say an hour of fast riding i get out of the saddle with the normal back pains .Looking to buy a new race suit after xmas some need to trim the excess beef which would be about a stone (Boring)
  11. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    with my 2 leg ops over the last 2 years my hip plays me up. but managed 12 hour days touring on the blade. would love to loose some weight but my enthusiasm riding never wares out
  12. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I am nearly 50, just over 13 stone. I smoke Gauloises, do my bit to reduce the wine lakes and love a curry. Five a day is something I think about but never seem to get around to doing. I also subscribe to the theory that if man was supposed to exercise he wouldn’t have invented the combustion engine which says it all, having said that I don’t tend to put on much weight but am definitely getting a bit cuddlier than I used to be.

    I did buy very expensive mountain bike to try and get a bit fitter but was so knackered after lifting it on the wall hooks, that’s where it remains. The must have, no need, a mountain bike turned out to be another white elephant. Why I wanted a mountain bike I will never know, I live in the Fens for god sake.

    Back to the point of the thread - After a ride out my left knee aches but that’s got a lot to do with an old motorbike injury that has a bit of arthritis. My neck always hurts but I am hoping an OEM high screen is going to help that. As for my arse, its like coming out of the head master office after 6 of the best. Perhaps an OEM E seat will fix that one, if I can get over the price, maybe we should try a group deal ? When I ask for a pain soothing massage all I get from her in doors is “stop complaining and man up, you wanted another Blade”.

    Ken you mentioned Le Touquet. We love that place and go at least 4 or 5 times a year. There is the best sea food restaurant in Europe about half way up the high street called Perard. You have to have the seafood plate and need to book in advance at the weekend. Fresh Lobsters, crab, oysters, gambas. Not cheap but well worth the money IMO. Back to the hotel and hope the Oysters have worked their magic! Next morning shoot over the border into Belgium for ciggys, fill the boot with wine and we are done. Might be interested in a run over on the blade in the summer if its on the cards.
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  13. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    other than enjoying a smoke. never around the kids mind u is I enjoy my Stella/larger/wine. am cutting back thought. thats my main vice
  14. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    T total for me guys lol

    Haven't had a smoke since march
    Haven't been on the piss since my last works do this time last year .

    Only thing I have that is bad for me is being on OxyContin all day every day

    Horrible drug but needs must at the moment
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  15. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Shit man, I was prescribed them for a short while, and the side effects are horrible, think memory loss was one of them but I cant remember now (sorry Dan shouldn’t joke about it , I just couldn’t help myself, no offense ment ). I also believe they are part of the opiate class and can become very addictive so take care dude.

    I have take BP tablets everyday and the side effect with them is not good either, but as you say needs must, either that or risk a heart attack which is not on my list of the things to do before I die.
  16. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    what r they for mate?
  17. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    I ride for 2.5 hours a day commuting, so a rideout is not much of an ordeal for me. Sure if im going faster then i use more energy, but on rideouts or trackdays there are plenty of breaks along the way for fags and hot dogs.

    6ft4 and 14 stone.

    I dont think im ever going to be in a position where fitness really affects my 'performance' as its all just for fun.
  18. gixerlc

    gixerlc Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Ten stone ten ded skinny as.a racing whippet 6,3 ha used to do figure skating so been in very good condition fitness wise and with the wildlife photography keeps.me in tip top riding fitness. Do 300 mile rides in a day at a fast pace on my old gixer sixer and my blade am 22 don't really have any gripes

    dads 11 stone 50 an does the same rides as me but just riding keeps him fit although I could do double what we. Do as id say im at my peak fitness currently perfect weight and not overly.muscular but in the right places for hustling a race hike or road bike

    Both dont drink or smoke never had or have late night's out just live for the bikes :)

    I do belive conditioning and fitness plays a massive part in riding I never have any aches or pains well rarely and if you watch TT3d Mc pint is on one of those cross trainers brilliant things those :)
    #18 gixerlc, Dec 21, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
  19. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    JD's your man, Freedom. He's sorting a bike run to Le Touquet as we speak for the new year.

    I've got a mountain bike too. Suffered the worse injury I've ever had on wheels on it. I believe you need at least 120 BHP to be really safe. LOL.
  20. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Mountains in Exeter ?can't think of any have you moved to Snowden?

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