Dunno Why I Bother

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by t0m541, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    As I have 4 Akitas, which aren't over keen on other dogs, I like to take them out when there is little chance of bumping into other folk doing the same, (Usually the other pooch is off lead).
    I'm lucky enough to live right on top of a woodland park and marshland area, so when we go out at 5.30am there is always some wildlife still skulking about, which makes for a good workout, holding back 200kg of dogs that have just spotted a deer/rabbit/squirrel/fox works up quite the sweat.

    So, as usual, I'm up at 5.30, ok it's bit rainy and dismal, but rough with the smooth and all that...
    "Come on you lot, lets go for walks"..
    Nope..all I get is loud snoring and sounds of doggies turning over to get more comfy.
    Tries again...."lets go then", grabs leads and opens front door....nothing...

    So I decide to have my breakfast and coffee first

    Tried again 45 minutes later....even sorted out their food...nothing but snoring..

    Well here I am 4 hours after getting out of my nice warm bed, not for my benefit, and I still haven't seen a fuzzy face appear downstairs....

    People often say..."Oh I bet they take some exercising".... errr...No...Lazy pack of twats..:rolleyes:
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  2. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Don't knock it.....I wish my two Malamutes would take a rain check once in while.
  3. Sam Bird

    Sam Bird New Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    I think it should be Illegal to have Dogs off Leads in Parks, I have a Staffie who is very very nervous, he is a Big ol Lump and looks a quite Tough but in reality he is just a massive softie, He is fantastic with people but is unsure of other Dogs for some reason, he is great with them Face to Face but as soon as they go near his bits he gets really jumpy and goes for them.

    The ammount of times i've been over the park and a dog off the lead has run up to us and the soppy owner trying to tell me there dog is OK, and won't listen when i tell them that mine isn't!! they then get the hump when my Dog tells there dog to go away!! all dogs should be on leads so that all dogs can enjoy a walk. I have mine on a retcractable lead so he can have a wonder like he is off the lead but i still have control over him, if you want your dog to run free, get a retractable lead!!

    RANT OVER :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Ran into 5 off lead dogs today, luckily they kept their distance.
    At the woodland park I go to there is an "off lead" area and an "On lead" area that has a large pond with wildfowl etc.
    The amount of arguments I've had with people in the "On lead" area who's dogs are running about loose like loons, when I point out that it's an on lead area they're like "he/she's ok, they're not doing any harm" even though there are clear signs everywhere.
    These are the sort of people who would scream bloody murder if their uncontrolled dog got it's head bitten off as it fancied it's chances.
    I said to one bloke about there being a big sign on the access gate "Dogs Must Be On Lead At All Times"... "Oh yeah, I know" he said, "but the gates open"....WTF, that makes a big difference..IDIOT...
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    I remember a lady running up to me on the beach once declaring "It's okay, he's just excited, he won't damage it." When I tried to take avoiding action as her Jack Russell was lunging at my 12' Flexifoil sport kite. She nearly had a shit fit when I told her I was only trying to stop the Kevlar strings ripping his head off as he jumped at them.
  6. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    Jack Russels are the worst! I know...we have one and they are mental little nut jobs!
    Overly friendly and like a squirrel on crack!
    Love ours to pieces of course but he is mental!!
  7. Sam Bird

    Sam Bird New Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    Thats the problem, other dog owners, in my expierience the little yappy hand bag dogs with Coffee Morning Mum owners that only have the dog as another mum down the school has one too and have no interest in actually owning and loving a dog thinks just cos there dog is happy to run around free that it will be fine, and they don't realise that other dogs aren't able to do so, then when my big fat Staffie goes for it i look like a hooligan with a brute of a dog when in actual fact i am the responsible one and they are completely irresponsible!! i had 2 women a couple of days ago with matching Shitzus walking round the park, not watching the dogs at all, (chatting about handbags probably) completely oblivious that the 2 dogs are wandering towards me and when i told them he doesn't like other dogs they just strolled over laughing at the dogs without a care in the world by the time they got to me the dogs had started sniffing which set my dog off, they just didin't seem like it was a problem whilst in the mean time i'm struggling to hold him back from going for them and then they gave me a dirty look as they walked off!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    They are what they are, I suppose. Big dogs tend to get trained more because they're more difficult not to. I like dogs, just enough to know I'd never really want one. I'm a cat person. They suit me more. Grumpy, lazy, cynical, self centred... See.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I have a cat too...called Dave, luckily he is part of the collective, as when my lot see any other cats, they go into hunt mode.

    Up until 3 months ago I had 5 Akitas, dad, mum and 3 pups, 2 males and a female.
    After 18 months the 2 boys were almost as big as dad, 50kg and 29in to the shoulder. Now they got along great, never fight with each, apart from when some dopey owner would let their wandering pooch get too close.
    Usually the owner would be all "It's ok, he/she is quite friendly" as I'm digging deep pulling my lot back, all the time asking the fool to grab their dog, as it's getting closer and closer, till the boys in frustration, would spark up with each other.
    Surprising how quick the other owner reacts when 2 very large dogs erupt into bare teeth fury, suddenly a lead appears and fastened to their dog and beat a hasty retreat..
    Leaving me sweating and trying to calm my lot down...nice walk spoilt
  10. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Ive had GSD's over many years, all very well trained but had the odd one that didnt take kindly to other dogs whizzing up to their nether regions, but got so sick of the no control over their dogs brigade and like you say shouting..Oh its ok he's friendly he just wants to say hello line, that its easier to load them up and drive a few miles to the moors for a peaceful walk. Its a nice change to take the other halfs whippet cross out, it just runs round in circles with a vacant look on its face and pees up everything, including unfortunately the kids jumpers for goalposts:eek:
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  11. Cbrjay

    Cbrjay Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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    If I've not taken my staffie out
    ive got a staffie too mate, shit scared of most things. There's a field by ours I take her on and she's the best behaved there. Dangerous dog my arse, there's about 5 women who take there dogs on and there dogs hassle mine so I saw my ass in the end and said if she turns I won't stop her so u best get your dogs under control. All mine wants to do I'd fetch her stick. But she's off the lead never more then 10 feet away from me, I whistle and she's by my side
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  12. Cbrjay

    Cbrjay Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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  13. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Individually, my lot will play with another dog if it want's to play on a one to one basis.
    But when they are together, they are a family pack and won't let anything near, which is understandable.
    They have all been well socialised, I used to take the pups to obedience classes all together and they were fine, never any issues with the other pups there.
    But over the years, they have been attacked by random dogs whilst out, so now are always on guard.
    It's very rare these days that my lot get to play off lead together, I used to take them to a park that had a specific fenced off paddock for dogs to be off lead, really secure.
    But that got removed to make way for a cycle path to the skateboard/bmx area they built, even though there was 5 other paths leading to the same spot.
  14. Nickw

    Nickw Active Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Ace thread,

    My last dog used to be raring to go in her early days... As she got older, she wouldn't get out of her pit on a morning. Can't fault her, if I don't have work, I don't get up either:rolleyes:
  15. MPJ

    MPJ Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Fair play to you, getting up at 5.30 am every day is dedication !

    I'm a Dobie lover myself. My last boy was good as gold, great with other dogs, horses. Good recall. Bitten several times (other dogs/owners fault) and never bitten back etc

    Current boy is very challenging, scared of any change in his environment, be it other dogs, walkers, cyclists etc. Lots of training and professional help. I found a local field which I rent for exercise and is dog proof as he can't tolerate others so does not get enough exercise. The goal eventually is to get him to tolerate other dogs, even at distance. I know I will never be able to let him off-lead anywhere without fences. The change in the law recently means you have to be very careful now, even on your own property.
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  16. Marion

    Marion Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    image.jpg Sid the fawn dog with his friends Harvey and Dave. As you can see he is a very sociable dog. Due to his size I always keep him under control when out. Unfortunately some people seem to think it's ok to let their dogs come up to him, some even think it's funny when they start snapping at him. Sid doesn't find it too funny and proceeds to wipe the floor with them. The other dog owners face is priceless. Strangely enough it never happens with the same dog twice !! Hhhmmm. Wonder why??
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  17. Swiss T

    Swiss T Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    This thread touches a chord as the owner of two SBTs' who just want to be left alone.

    Those GD's look cosy by the stove; make me feel all wintery!
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  18. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I don't like other dogz but I loves them stinky boggy ponds :confused:

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  19. sp1n99

    sp1n99 Active Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I love dogs.....but then again I'm North Korean.
    • Funny Funny x 2

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