I was looking to remove original exhaust and I noticed two cables going to a box on exhaust, sort of exup looking set up. What am I supposed to do with these in order to change to an after market exhaust. Thanks.
i think thats the servo...and you disconnect the wire from it..and remove with the standard exhaust im sure someone will be along to confirm or correct me soon..
if you gonna remove the servo , a servo eliminator is required http://www.healtech-electronics.com/products/ese/
In a word..........yes you do need the eliminator............without it fault code 35 will start to blink at you. Or you could leave the servo plugged in without the cables connected
I've left mine in place, not really worth removing it, it weighs next to nothing, and a servo buddy costs money!!!!
Tks chaps which is the servo end ? If it's not the bit on exhaust where would it be. Sorry to sound like a dullard
Sulaco's right about leaving the servo in place. Remove the cables from the servo end (just follow the cables back from the exhaust valve). Then hide the servo out of the way. This is what the previous owner of my track bike did and I'm not planning on changing it. The servo now lives under the seat out of harms way.
Make sure when removing the wires from the servo that it stays in position, don't twist it to take the wires out. The sevo is visable if you look up behind your side fairing, left side I think