I'm trying to accurately check the wheel alignment apart from a straight edge or the string method which seem totally useless to me can someone tell me if I measure from point a to point b with a Vernier gauge will this accurately align my wheels
I've previously used your proposed method but the rounded edges etc make consistent measuring difficult. Also a small distance translates to a much bigger deviation alot the edge of the chain. laser is the way to go for uber accurate alignment. I use mine in conjunction with my lightech adjusters which FYI are 1mm out according to the laser, - I trust the laser! my previous renthal have very little wear over 10k, shame the chain fell apart!
Profi D-Cat laser tool is what you need. Otherwise Google motorcycle rear wheel alignment to see a vid of the proper way to do the rope trick.
I find it easier from the back part of the swingarm, and just use a vernier, it's flatter and no odd angles to overcome. It's also pretty much bang on with the laser....
Problem you may encounter with checking with a vernier is you are setting the rear wheel correct to the swingarm and not correct to the front wheel. Over many years of setting up motorcycles the straight edge method works very well and now lazer alignment. A tiny amount of movement at the chain adjusters becomes a huge amount at the front wheel.
If the rear wheel was out of alignment by 1 or 2mm would you actually notice any difference when you were riding
Can't comment if it affects handling but over a distance your sprockets will start to suffer, a little wear on the rear sprocket will be exaggerated on the front. Got a dot type profi-cat laser myself, if you have the cash the L type is much better.