I read that somewhere too, probably on the same thread. Might give it a bash after you in the meantime I've got to fit my rear pegs so the Mrs can jump on the back. Oh joy!
I know how people find with the 1 light on, but it's not very often you are looking at the front of the bike when riding. I never ridden with main beam on myself
I put 100w 6000k bulbs in the dipped and main. the 6000k colour matches the mirror leds, nice and white. I only ever need to use the dipped, the extra watts make a big difference at night and nobody has ever flashed or gestured that they're being dazzled. If I use Full its the same effect as HIDs!
How long have you had the 100w bulbs in ? i have been warned off them as they could melt the lens or burn the wireing out have you had any problems thanks wayne
Had them in for more than a year now with no problems at all. These are the actual ones I bought on November 11th 2014! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-XENON-...038370?hash=item27c69f12e2:g:GaAAAOSw8lBTpeeL
I find that with more and more drivers either distracted or with poor eyesight (too much sexual self satisfion?) you need to be noticed when riding. These are the rare times you need to draw attention to yourself. The number of times I approach a junction riding on a 60mph road, see an idiot pull up to their stop sign, look and see me, wait until I get close and then suddenly pull out and proceed at an undertaker's hearse speed. When approaching hazards like this, I go on full beam well before so that the jerks don't think I am letting them out. I also go on full beam when the oncoming traffic is dazzled by the sun which means their eyesight sensitivity is reduced hence a brighter source of light on the oncoming vehicle is better registered. That is on my adventure bike with a single headlight. I do the same on the blade but to a lesser extent as the yellow color is already most noticeable to a human eye
I have reasonably easily inserted a twin filament bulb into the original bulb socket,obtained a 3 pin plug to fit standard car headlight bulb for £1 with cables. First tests with bulb turned 45 degrees each time give high and low beam at each place, two patterns, will have to test on bike for parallel pattern to original, I tested it in an identical nose cone light set up to mine. The next question is do head and dip bulb filament light at the same time on high beam ? I guess not so I have ordered a 5 pin switching relay £2.50 on ebay to knock off the dip when high beam is selected. Looking promising.
This is the loom I made up , purposely small to fit inside the left headlight unit , fully concealed,,i don't think it will get too hot in there. The feed for the new dip bulb comes from the other light original dip feed and goes through the electric auto switch in normal position. The when you select head light, the feed goes straight to the new main beam but also closes the auto switch to the dip feed so only one filament is on at a time. The male spades go straight into the original bulb plug so no alteration to original wiring , except taking a feed from original dip wire on other light. Now the obvious problem is beam focus, filaments in the wrong spot in the headlight but I seem to have found that the beams will be ok,,i have reversed the head,dip wires on the bulb and get a good focused light on head and a lower beam with a wide left hand spread also rising to the left, I have some pics on my dark garage wall
I had to trim the tin skirt off a car headlight bulb to allow it to fit into the smaller lamp socket The one on the left. The right pic beam is with both lamps on dip, the left pic is with both on,original dip and new head
The screw holding in the wire clip needs undoing one turn to take out the clip to slightly reform it Have to curve out slightly both sides to allow for a fatter bulb and lengthen the hook
Just replaced my bulbs and a quick question guys....is the dipped light more shielded than the high beam bulb....not noticed it till now...either it is more shielded or I have bulb in incorrect position. The two bulb positions just look different ????