Any Star Trek fans here?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T.C, May 20, 2016.

  1. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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  2. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    And new movie looking good via the new trailer also :)
  3. sulaco

    sulaco Active Member

    Apr 22, 2015
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    70 views one reply:confused: somethings people just won't admit too I'm afraid:D If it has 7of 9 I'll watch;)
  4. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    7 of 9? Now ya Talkin'!

    7 of 9 a.jpg
    7 of 9 b.jpg
    7 of 9 c.jpg
    7 of 9.jpg
    #4 sinewave, May 23, 2016
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
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  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Okay. My name is Ken. I'm a Star Trek fan. I have been from the first UK broadcast episode of TOS, that's 'The Original Series' in nerd speak, on my nan's black and white telly the week before Apollo 11 launched...

    I relived the re-runs and the animated series (TAS) all through the wilderness years until the movies and then the glory days of TNG (you're getting the idea by now, I'm sure). DS9 came along, ruined by Avery Brooks awful 'coming up for air delivery', until they got the Defiant and it got much more kick-ass. Then Voyager (yawn), until the above mentioned Jeri Ryan made it worth it.

    I can teach warp theory, draw a flow diagram of photon and quantum torpedo detonation sequences (I can't explain phasers, they're pure handwavium) and bid you success in badly accented Klingon.

    I, and as it happens, Paramount believed things couldn't have got much worse than 'Enterprise', despite Jolene Blalock...

    But we were both wrong, because then JJ happened, with his crew of broken, neurotic, impulse control deficient yahoos that wouldn't pass a psych evaluation for the brownies, let alone a quasi military diplomatic corps, and their butt ugly, ergonomically disabled ship that seems bigger on the inside than it is on the outside (TARDIS it ain't...) and appears to have been filmed inside an Apple Store... drew a whole new level of derision from my own, personal nerdvana.

    And the answer to the ultimate question is of course... Kirk.

    Because Kirk, the Shat's Kirk that is, would kick all the arses of all the other captains, except Janeway's, which he would have shagged, then kicked. Picard had a good run, but I met Patrick Stewart once and he blanked me.

    But to answer Sulaco's post, the reason I grinned when I read Tony's original post, clicked 'Like', and moved on was because the other day I saw a post on FaceBook, where a product demonstrator was presenting his company's new item, a TOS period communicator that slaves via bluetooth to your mobile to give you that 'Trek' vibe whenever you make a call. He did the whole thing in his TOS uniform, in front of a truly awful bluescreen of a generic Starfleet bridge viewscreen and had the look of a man who has never seen a lady naked.

    The response to his presentation was a huge list of 30 something geezers who probably look like 'Comic Book Store Guy' all shouting to their moms, asking if they could buy one... to go with their matching phasers...

    I just like to keep some distance between that kind of Trekkie and mine, and it's easier to differentiate by just winding my neck in.

    (Plus he was wearing a JJ Starfleet uniform to advertise a TOS replica. *snort*... What a loser!)
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  6. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Best ever Captain......swoon ......:)


    I grew up with original series....It was awesome :cool: :)
  7. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I may have gotten my shows muddled up a bit! :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. sulaco

    sulaco Active Member

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I meant no offence to any Trekkie, I have been know to watch a few episodes myself;). But if I have caused offence all I can really say is: Beam me up Scotty.:p
  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Absolutely, never crossed my mind. I recognise a dare when I see one, and dares are what biking is about. Lol.

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