So the last four years I have bungeed a tail pack and used a tank bag, the tail pack always bugged me as to the fact that it was a bit of a lash up job , maybe dangerous, I know one lady whose tail pack locked up the rear wheel on the M25, So a couple of years ago a bloke came with us with a throw over pannier, nice idea but it hanged horrible, near wheel rubbing. So I have bought a used set of panniers, good nick, £180 new, to me £24 I have looked at the seat ,tail unit of my 09 blade and noticed two cutouts in plastic tail trim under the seat And thought I could fit some flat steel in there to make a pannier stay. So I made this And it fits nicely under seat unit , seat locks it in place, it then stops the panniers closing in towards the wheel So now the panniers hang tidy,,lol I recently fitted an intergrated rear light so I could remove the indicators as they were also fouling the panniers.They can go back on after the euro trip. Seat fitted