Road Tax, Highway Robbery More Like

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by t0m541, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Having recently upgraded my van, 9 days ago to be precise, I tried to tax it as it is/was due for renewal on 1st Sept.
    The van I had and part ex'd was also due for tax on the same date.
    As I don't yet have a V5 in my name, I discovered that I could use the new keeper slip to purchase the tax.
    So I sat down at the magic glowing box last night and www'd the vehicle tax page, entered all the relevant details from the slip and reg number.
    To the discover that, oh yes, I could apply for a years tax
    Starting 1st of August !!! :mad:

    So how does that work ??
    Lose a month straight away, plus the two months already paid for on the two vans for August that won't see a refund, plus if my old van gets taxed, that's 4 months buckshee the DVLArseholes will be pocketing..:eek:

    Needless to say I didn't bother, I'm not using it anyway as it needs the injectors sorting and is sat on the drive as I have a company van.
    I tried to SORN it but couldn't as I don't have a full V5, what a clusterf%&k the system is.

    Going to wait till the V5 drops through the door before I try again.
    12% of £300 is not a small sum....robbers...
  2. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    It's an old trick as you tax for the whole month whether it is the first or last day of the month. Even worse now with the new system as if you sell in the middle of the month you still pay for the whole month, as does the new owner. Double whammy for DVLA.
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  3. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Sold my car on the first day of May, and the new owner taxed it online before he left my drive, I had the road tax on monthly direct debit payments, the DVLA took another payment on 3rd May, I posted the V5 on the 1st to the DVLA.

    I waited the 6 weeks for my DD refund from DVLA, when it did not turn up, I enquired and was told that as the V5 did not get to them until the 4th I was liable for the whole month, even though the new owner taxed it from the 1st on the 1st.

    The DVLA is being allowed to pull a scam by knowingly double taxing vehicles and raising over £30million a year in duplicate revenue.

    I wrote to my MP for the first time in my life to highlight this scam, he responded 2 weeks later saying my letter had been forwarded to the transport minister and the DVLA for far diddly f**king squat

    No doubt as all the fat cats at the top have been on their long summer holidays in Tuscany paid for by the working peasants like us mugs, so I will have to wait a bit longer for an answer I all ready know the answer too!
  4. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I read about this when the new rules came in as they automatically cancel the tax when you sell a car, so it's best to sell a car on the last day of the month, but buy one on the first :eek:
    I'd been thinking of buying a Range Rover recently, but am put off by the £515 tax bill
  5. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    You mean like this :D
  6. sulaco

    sulaco Active Member

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I got it when you got an actual tax disc, they were printed for a specific month, now it's all electronic why can' it just run for 365 days from the day of purchase, and refund on how many day's it has left to run. Don't they own a calculator? :mad::confused:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Muffking, I did not know Phillip Green had his fingers into the DVLA as well as BHS but thanks for the tip off, just writing a letter to him, as it is not really worth jetting off to Capri over 22 quid IMO, although I am sure it's a lovely place, even if some bird is destroying the peace with her loud hailer.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    It was reported just a few weeks back that after the change away from the paper tax disc which was meant to save the dvla so many millions actually had the reverse effect and is costing hundreds of millions.........nothing new there then as pretty much every government program does the opposite to what it is intended and/or always goes massively over budget or costs way way more than expected!

    Anyway the removal of paper tax disc meant people on the street as well as those amazing cash bonanza makers the traffic wardens can no longer quickly or easily identify if a vehicle has not been taxed so no longer report them, this also applies to local bobbys traveling about towns as they don't normally have anpr systems in their vehicles and can no longer quickly visually check the colour of a tax disc on the window to see if it's up to date, they would only check if a vehicles been taxed after stopping you for a specific reason and calling in to check the car with the dispatch office!

    So more people just chance it and sorn their vehicles!
  9. sp1n99

    sp1n99 Active Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    In Jersey we did away with road tax years ago ( over 25 years I think ) and put a couple of pence on a litre of fuel.
    It instantly cut out a level of bureaucracy and means those that use the roads pay most e.g. If you drive a gas guzzler you pay more, if you drive an efficient motor you pay less. The only anomaly is if you drive an electric vehicle you're not paying anything.

    The space of the tax disc was taken up with an insurance disc.
  10. graemewalker

    graemewalker Elite Member

    Oct 13, 2013
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    Think by state of roads not much of the ved is going back into maintainable. I think I won't be paying any more tax in future take the chance I guess gob are robbing bastards
  11. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    The only problem with that logic is the uk gov has already hammered tax on the fuel as well as adding the vat on top of the tax (basically braking the uk govs own rules saying you can't tax a tax but they do it anyway!) they are never going to want to totally give up on the so called vehicle road tax now renamed because they don't use any of the revenue for what it was originally created for...........the upkeep of the roads!

    The gov was already havin kittens over the lost road tax revenues from them pushing everyone into smaller and smaller engined vehicles over the last 8+yrs so the owners could get the reduced or zero road tax costs!
    Expect those low tax rates to start jumping up in price regularly to try and fill the void very soon!
  12. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    If they had a calculator it would require 26 forms to apply for an application form to submit in quadruplet 75 years before the start of the course that would allow you to have one on your desk. Note you would not be allowed to use it yet, that would require more forms and more courses. Oh and each calculator would be more expensive than a nuclear submarine and the entire trident replacement program.

    We on the other hand could buy the same calculator at WH Smith for £2.99 with a free Mars bar.
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  13. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    The tax system changes yet again next year for new cars due to the gov. not making any money due to low/no tax vehicles.

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