its a 2010 abs I don't think the battery is charging iv been having problems with a flat battery lately iv replaced the battery with a new one but I'm still getting the same problem iv checked the voltage with a fully charged battery and it reads 12.6 volts but with the engine running it only goes up to about 12.8- 12.9 if the bikes left with a fully charged battery its flat after about two days I'm alright mechanically but not so hot on electrics so if you could not get to technical that would be a bonus lol.
Could be the regulator if it's not charging properly, change the battery first and go from there! Also worth checking if you have the abs problem of that draining the battery
12.6v for a new fully charged battery is way too low, sounds like it is faulty Got a new Motobatt a few months ago and it was fubar on arrival, got it refunded and the replacement was 13.4 ish. Checking resistance on the stator and RR is easy but checking the voltage is a pig on the ABS model. I've got a Voltmeter permanently attached to the bike to monitor voltage even when running, not sure if my bike is charging correctly but is will only provide a max of 1v from the standing voltage, the RR seems to limit the voltage to a max of 13.9V.
you need a voltmeter for the test the charging volts should be 13.5~15.5V @ 5000rpm (headlights on full beam) fully charged battery: 13~13.2. looks like the battery has been undercharge
I quite like the idea of a permanent volt meter can you tell me what wire you tapped into would it be alright to use one coming from the headlight
my voltmeter is plugged in directly to the battery via the optimate cable, I disconnect it when not riding.