Important Notice - Please Read If You own an ABS 2009 Onwards Model

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by jimglasgow, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Dartmoor Dave

    Dartmoor Dave Active Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    marc, You need to be careful of copyright uploading manuals. On to the old topic. It happened to me, engine running, bike in neutral, paddling back and forth to turn around from the kerb and the lever came back halfway to the grip. Stuck it in gear, pulled away, back to normal and its not done it since. The bit in the owners book about low speed fluctuation of the lever or pedal seems to have some merit. I can only say that in my sunny blasts around the West country the brakes have been faultless, feathering or just eyepoppingly fierce.
  2. Naz

    Naz Active Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Jim did you manage to get anywhere with the Honda dealer to resolve this issue? I'm asking as I've been going through the same issues but no one has updated the forum on how far they took the issue and what happened? Give an update if you can thanks
  3. Naz

    Naz Active Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Pete same question to you as to Jim did you manage to get anywhere with the Honda dealer to resolve this issue? I'm asking as I've been going through the same issues but no one has updated the forum on how far they took the issue and what happened? Give an update if you thanks
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Dartmoor Dave

    Dartmoor Dave Active Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Arrived in my Inbox today under the MCN banner is an article on the 2017 'Blade. Guess what they've dropped? Yep, the C-ABS system and a replacement by the Bosch system that everyone else favours. The excuse being its too heavy and the Bosch allows traction control, anti wheelie etc. Nice to know they've listened to feedback. (thats sarcasm)
  5. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I called that Honda's c-abs would go bye bye on next generation blade ages ago! ;)

    Honda use Bosch on other models in the Honda range so it's not a new thing except on the CBR *00rr models.

    They shoulda done it years ago but that would mean forking out a fortune to retrofit another system and also mean Honda would need to go public that they fooled up rather than push the mass cover up path they opted for!:rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Hi all,
    Yesterday I felt down due to this issue and I have broken my right foot...

    The motorbike was parked in a strong uphill in 1st gear.

    I sat on the bike and press the front brake.
    As soon as i took the clutch for starting the engine the bike started to go down...
    I tried to push more and more the front brakes but no response... When I realized I was on the ground with the bike on my foot...
    Unluckily it broke one of my fingers... and from 6 to 8 weeks with plaster...

    I've just bought this bike some months ago and I am really dissapointed... The worst is I don't know if i will trust this bike again, I'm really sad...

    The bike is 2010 UK model... that I bought to a UK citizen that was living here in Spain.

    The motorbike is in perfect condition and is only around 10000 milles

    Now I don't know what to do... complain Honda, try to check with a dealer or just find out how to remove ABS...?
    Any suggestion?

    Many thanks

    Many thanks
  7. Dartmoor Dave

    Dartmoor Dave Active Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Bad luck mate. If you dig through the other threads I believe someone else had this happen. I don't know what to offer but it seems there is some peculiarity in holding uphill. I've had it happen when , engine running, I was doing a 6 point turn at the kerb, paddling to and fro when the lever came back almost to the bar. I can only say when I moved off it responded as normal. Also a 2010 abs model. I will reiterate that in the paperwork with the bike was a Honda card stating that the brakes may exhibit some additional lever travel at a speed below the abs operating cut in point. Make what you may of that. If you feel you aren't confident about it, Honda don't want to know, there are several threads on removing the abs. I have a full set of non-abs brake lines ready to go if it plays up. That's if I survive of course.
  8. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Thanks Dartmoor...

    What's clear to me is that I have my foot broken and don't wanna to repeat it again...

    Do anybody try to install Bosch Abs in the blade?
    It could be another solution, expensive I guess but let us to
    have a good working ABS system

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  9. Dartmoor Dave

    Dartmoor Dave Active Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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  10. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    I'll do. Sadly now I have enough time for checking out and making a decision.

    The pitty is that I really like the bike and was really happy with... but now all are doubts...

    Thanks for your time

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  11. derchef

    derchef Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    How old was the brake fluid?
    They/you replace it correctly?

    You are living in spain , just blank off the ABS with direct lines / take off modulator - valves/pumps - wiring
    easy to do
  12. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    I really don't how old it was since I just bought the bike some months ago.
    But even the fluid was old I can't understand how suddenly the bike lost all the brakes this is not normal at all.

    I am writing some complaints to Honda via Honda web, facebook and Twitter. I know that Honda will not listen to me but just hope
    to warn other users and avoid them to live what I'm passing now

    Probably I'll do that change, one question about this, is ok to keep current master cylinder or is recommendable to put a new one (Brembo or similar)?

    I know the current system Brake by wire don't press calipers directly and my doubt is if the MC will have enough power for pressing calipers.

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  13. derchef

    derchef Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Could also be air in the circuit
    BTW , you can run original front master with direct lines without issue
    (as master is the same for ABS or not ABS)
  14. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Actually, I have decided to give one chance more to the ABS. Indeed till the accident I didn’t have any issue ( no feathering, no total brake loss).
    I spent many time looking for an ABS model, in Spain is quite difficult to find one and I would like to try one time more before giving up.

    I have planned to do following things: replace ECU ABS with latest ECU version ( I bought one for 65 pounds including postage), to bleed completely the system and
    cover front brake unit with any heat shield to minimize heat problem.

    I hope by doing this to recover the good working I had, if not or I have doubts with the working I´ll remove ABS quickly I don’t want more problems, 6-8 week using crutches is enough for me.

    We wil see...
  15. derchef

    derchef Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Hope all will work , will send you a p.m. later ;)
  16. Pete1987

    Pete1987 Active Member

    Dec 13, 2012
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    Mine was fixed under Honda good will, faulty front power module, been ok ever since.

    It was stressed that the brake fluid must be changed every 2 years otherwise there will be issues with the brakes. Sorry for the delay i forgot my log in details!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. gawain53

    gawain53 New Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Last Sunday, I could ride again after two months of recovering after crashing thank to ABS...I'm not totally 100% but close.

    As planned I installed the last ECU version, complete bleed several times (a lot of bubbles came up) and protect the front power unit covered with heat shield.

    The good news is that brakes worked fine (I did just 200 milles), but the bad news is that I have lost all my trust on the brakes....

    I love the bike but I don't feel confortable at all. I couldn't ride as before and I found myself braking soon and changing the way I used to ride...

    I think maybe is a question of time or maybe not, sometimes I think on remove all the ABS crap or just sell the bike...

    It's a pity that after so much efforts for getting the bike I liked, my dream has turned into a nightmare... Thanks Honda....
  18. Naz

    Naz Active Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Well after exhausting myself arguing with Honda and the dealers, my 2016 abs blade is going back to the dealers at a loss to me of just shy of 3k. Honda refuse to accept there's a problem just as so many have stated on this forum. The dealer has agreed to take the bike at the current value of 8k which is shit in my eyes. But with the introduction of the new abs blade I hoped they would do a deal for one of them but no offers on the table that I could afford. They did offer to swap for a non abs but I need a bike with a bit extra at the brakes as I commute around london and have so many divs causing a near miss and after an accident last year, I'm just not feeling up to having another one.

    Only option I have left is the ombudsman but without clear evidence they will agree with Honda. So, as so many have said, I'm feeling pretty disappointed.

    I've took all my extras off and returned the bike back to standard, now I'll be bikeless once again
  19. DeeFireBlade

    DeeFireBlade New Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    Sorry to hear it happened to such a new bike
    Go back to non abs?
  20. Frankblue

    Frankblue New Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Before I bought my non ABS black edition I went to a local Honda dealer to check out a 2015 Blade with ABS, as I like to do a thorough research before buying I had read kf these issues. I asked the sales guy about these issues and was told " first I've heard of it"...... also said if you rely on ABS you are going too quick for the real world!!!!!. Went to another dealer a little further away and got my current model.

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