How and when do you ride your blade

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by thewiz, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. thewiz

    thewiz Active Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Hello everyone.

    I just wanted to start a discussion about how and when you ride your fireblade. Are you a commuter? Weekend rider? Etc.

    I have thought about this alot the last few days, and i must say that i am a bit bored of just going out for a ride on my own. I have sort of been there done that, and i find that riding in my local area is just a bit tedious. Anybody on here feel the same?

    It must be said that i really don't have any close friends that ride bikes, so im going at it solo for the most parts.
    For example today, it was sunny outside, about 12C and i went for a ride and tested my Dainese race suit. After a hour or so (got a bit cold, since the suit is perforated) i was just a bit bored with the roads and headed home.

    I do as many track days as i possible can, and i most say i LOVE it, it is my passion since i started doing it a year ago. I have only been doing it on my road bike, and i am super lucky that i live only 40 minutes from a good track. Ride up there, have a blast and ride home. Once a week they are hosting, and its dirt cheap.

    So, i have actually been thinking of getting a track bike, and maybe go to something else for the road. Maybe a naked bike, or touring because im getting bored with just going around my local area, and I want to start making longer trips and i just can't do that on my blade (as i set it up for those trackdays i love doing). So it is a very hard and choppy ROAD bike. On track tho, it is bloddy good.

    I just wanted to get your opinons on this and i would really like to know what you guys are doing with your bikes and what you think about this.

  2. CBRGav

    CBRGav Active Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    Whenever it's sunny and the kids don't need me for anything, I'm out on it. Do alot of riding on my own or in a small group. And occasionally let the wife come out on the back but luckily for me she's half my weight and a foot shorter than me so can't really tell she's on there! Might do the odd trip to work if I'm on for an early finish so I can get a few hours in after work, but will never be a commuter I any weather! Maybe twice a year it'll take a trip to three coast, is really just a fun bike tho and a sunshine only one at that
  3. CBRGav

    CBRGav Active Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    The coast even!
  4. raphael

    raphael Elite Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    I commute on mine every day in all weathers so definitely not the prettiest blade you will find.
    Also like to get out at the weekend on my own or with a friend to use it for fun but after seeing some of the posts on here I'm getting itchy feet now to see further afield
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. tuktuk

    tuktuk Elite Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Blessed with some amazing roads in the north east so it never gets old! Prefer to ride in a small group of 3 or 4 max, different route each time.

    Nice weekend costs a fortune in petrol alone lol.
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  6. Vito Belas

    Vito Belas Active Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Ride alone, don't have friends with bikes, just weekends, good roads in North East of Scotland, never get bored, unless it starts to rain.
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  7. Mr OCD

    Mr OCD Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Commute from Bolton to Liverpool 2-3 times a week during the year ... except when salt / ice / etc. on the roads... a few weekend ride outs with the lads during the Summer over Yorkshire / Kendal / Etc... and a few track days as well ... :D

    Bought the bike with 3,600 miles on the clock in Nov 2015 ... current mileage is 27,000 miles and climbing. :D
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  8. tuktuk

    tuktuk Elite Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Thats good going that!

    Bought mine at the same time with 1k miles, has less that 6 on it atm.
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  9. stupot

    stupot Active Member

    May 30, 2015
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    The bike is my hobby and I only ride from about now til November (ish) on Sundays.
    My mates got a Blade SP, we had a great run to Jacks Hill transport café in Towcester yesterday.

    There is only us two and maybe one more.

    We also have a few good routes to Devizes in Wiltshire and we going to Bristol soon and end up at Fowlers.

    There are some great roads in Berkshire and the home counties.
  10. Frankblue

    Frankblue New Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Commute from home to work around 35 miles each way when its light and not pissing it down, but its mostly motorway so doesn't do the tyres much good. As I work shifts I get days off through the week so head out on my own when roads are quieter. Meet up with a few mates for weekend away Lakes and Wales normally plus a solo trip to Thurso (NE Scotland) once a year as we've family there, just love Scottish roads once north of Perth !!. Also take the missus out on the back around a dozen times a year weather permitting. Average 6/7000 miles a year.
  11. red

    red Active Member

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Got mine in Feb, use it mostly for commuting a 65 mile round trip Mon-Fri unless I work away (Have been doing this on a CBR for 5 years and prior a Bandit.

    Looking to use it a bit more on the weekends this year, I used to commute with my bro, he doesn't work with me now so when his R1 is back together maybe we'll do that instead.
  12. Openside

    Openside New Member

    Nov 8, 2016
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    Similar circumstances with regards to shift working. Went out today for a blast, roads very quiet not worried that some weekend warriors riding like idiots coming the other way. I'm fortunate the best roads in Wales are on my doorstep, which also happens to be my commute when its not raining!! I do fancy doing a few track days, however my Blade is under a year old and my balls ain't big enough yet!
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  13. Nickw

    Nickw Active Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Ride it for work and leisure...

    Leisure... going out with mates on nice days, stopping for brews and craic is enjoyed as much as riding.

    Work... I'm a partner in a rider development experience where we take people out and coach based on Roadcraft, the police riders manual. Ride in any weather when working...

    Love my bike and love riding it...
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  14. hitch

    hitch Elite Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Daily commute for me, it's only 9 miles into Docklands from where I live so not the greatest of roads.
    Done a few trackdays on my old GSXR600 in the past all at Brands, I've only had it since mid Jan.
    I dont have any friends :( ...with bikes, so if and when I go out for a play on it, I'm flying solo.
    Love it though.

    As an aside, does anyone give their bike a name and/or gender? ,err, nor me :oops:
  15. Nickw

    Nickw Active Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    No name for it, although there's plenty on here who give the tank a little pat from time to time ;)
  16. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I thought you'd called yours 'Tarquin' Nick?

    I thought all guys who pat their tanks had... errm..... exotic name's for them :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. thewiz

    thewiz Active Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Interesting to know how and when you guys ride. It is kinda funny that many of us ride solo, and don't have friends that ride, yet there are so many riders out there who would make perfect riding buddies.
  18. wilbert

    wilbert Active Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    I ride when I can be that on my own or in a group just for the hell of it or when going on a tour. I only live 13 miles from work and it is a boring blast down the A59 so tend to go to work in the car as I lift share and its no quicker on the bike by the time I have got it out the garrage and put all my gear on etc. I generally ride from March to October / November but will ride through winter if the roads are fairly salt free. Cold and wet deosnt bother me too much however road salt is the work of the devil.
  19. Fatboyslimish

    Fatboyslimish Active Member

    Nov 27, 2012
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    Everyday to work, come wind rain or shine. Then on days off with the mates.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  20. gary1966

    gary1966 Active Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I use mine for sunny sundays normally between 4/6 of us head for some twistys and a breakfast somewhere. I have a track bike its bloody good 675R but I will be doing a trackday on the blade possibly an evening session at Snetterton or a road bike only day somewhere.
    been doing a European trip once a year since 2007 heading to Northern Spain on the blade in May.

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