Life insurance and critical illness

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Scott, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. Scott

    Scott Active Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Some advice plz
    Iv had a policy setup but they called to update it. So I'm told mine is now old. I took a critical policy out on a fixed price for full term. Got a call to check how things were going now offered better deals
    Mine covers 30 illnesses and the new ones cover 45 and a Aviva one that covers 80
    Price wise if I cover the full amount non depreciating it's around 50 per month
    But if I have a depreciating policy which follows my mortgage down it's under 40 a month. Any advice which is best plz. Was only saying last week that the policy I had seemed good and would never get more expensive
  2. CBRGav

    CBRGav Active Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    I set mine up when I saw 19 when I bought my first house. That was a deprecating one that ran along side the mortgage and cost peanuts as i was so young when it started. Since then i had a few calls and ended up adding a fixed 300k pay out along side it as money to live on if me or the wife snuff it! The downside I found to the depreciating one is that it tends to only cover the mortgage, whereas now it covers my mortgage and 300k to live on for as long as needed. I pay about 50 a month in total for just shy of half a million in total cover for me and my wife. Both non smokers and no health worries. Think it's with axa for the fixed, the depreciating is through my mortgage company not sure which company they use to be hones, it's just set so if we die it pays the mortgage off in full. Hope that makes sense, if you're going one or the other I'd say fixed all day long
  3. Scott

    Scott Active Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Nice one for that mate thank you. That's cheap compared to what iv been offered
  4. Cbrjay

    Cbrjay Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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  5. CBRGav

    CBRGav Active Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    At 19 I got near on 200k for 18 pound a month for me and the wife, think it was mostly because of my age and none smoker to be honest. The 300k was taken out at 30 through a broker for the other 30 odd a month, think they're a bit like car insurance and just pick the numbers as they go!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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