I'm on a course next week nr. Tower Bridge and a colleague has shown me this free parking: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5...AlzQ3mBXO-cdtb61EA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 Corporation of London run/owned car park. I'm not sure I want to leave my bike in there I'm normally in a secure (card access, CCTV, security guard) underground car park at work, so this place bothers me. My colleague runs a 20 yr old blackbird so he could care less. Would you use it?
You should be able to Google the crime stats for there? Personally I wouldn't leave my bike in any car park like that never mind theft city London. Can you park it somewhere secure & get tube/bus maybe
I don't like look of that.....Whenever I'm in London i use this one Free for bikes in secure underground car park https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/ser...arks/Pages/Tower-Hill-car-and-coach-park.aspx
Thanks both. I don't think I am going to risk it. Last thing I need is some shit bag having it away with my bike. Going to brave the train and "shanks' pony" from London Bridge
How about a Boris bike? I downloaded the App to find where to pick them up and drop them off while I was staying in Kensington a couple of weeks ago. Only £2 per 30mins, not for the car though
I parked in there for several years, there is a set of full length railings that you can chain the bike to, Mine was chained sometimes and not others, it's a game of chance parking in London, If you don't have to, then don't or you will end all day worrying if you are not used to parking there.
Exactly this. I'm not risking it - got the boat/bus home today. Not a bad journey all told, particularly when it started pissing down and I was nice and dry enjoying the cruise down the river!
For many years I did, yes... Usually parked within sight of KentBlades. The CC free parks are all dedicated bike locations, with CCTV and patrols. I did used to chain my 'blade there though after my 600RR got knicked from WhitesRow... But WR was right dodgy... The guys manning the parks are usually walking the park and keeping an eye out. So a pretty good place. H