Is it an age thing?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T.C, May 30, 2017.

  1. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    This is probably a question that can only be answered by someone in their 60's, or older than me (late 50's), I don't know, hence I thought I would ask the question.

    I have always by and large been quite mild mannered and it usually takes a lot to wind me up before I let fly, but once the blue touch paper has been lit it is usually a case of stand back as I blow my top, (which very few people have ever seen) after which it is forgotten, no grudges and I carry on.

    I have always (and still do) try to and have been prepared to help out wherever I can, and I have always tried to look at the funny side of things or find humour in 99% of situations.

    This is different to having a difference of opinion, or an argument or debate as we all have different views, I am on about really being wound up.

    But over the past 12 - 18 months, I have noticed that I really am becoming less tolerant of people, things or circumstances. I have lost count of the number of times I have been seething and really had to bite my lip or I have had a pop at someone because they have come out with total garbage.

    A few people have commented that my reaction has sometimes surprised them, It is only when I think back I realise that maybe I was a bit off...

    I used to think said someone who spouted garbage was just a tosspot and then move on. Now I think what a total w@nker and it festers with me and simmers below the waterline.

    Is that just me or is it an age thing? And don't mention the male menopause. Not interested....
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  2. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Hi TC,

    Your post made me smile. I am now 61 and have noticed that I have increasingly become less tolerant of tossers over the last 10 years or so. Each year my patience seems to reduce or as I like to think 'people are becoming more and more inconsiderate/ tossers'.

    I like to be nice, I like to be helpful etc etc but some people just bring out the worst in me.

    On a personal note, I think I feel less inclined to just put up with other peoples crap and instead of letting it fester inside I tend to vent my feelings more, maybe age has given me more confidence to do it.

    I also think that generally speaking many people are less thoughtful about their own actions and how it affects other people. Driving is a typical example, every day people just pull out in front of you causing you to brake or alter direction , they see you , but seem to have this ' I am more important than you' attitude of mind. People seldom say excuse me when they want to get where you are and try to just 'push in' or sometimes actually try to push you aside....this seldom ends well. I think it is a society thing but I also think there is an element of Grumpy Old Men, maybe over the years the shit piles up and you just get to the full level and it all flows out.
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  3. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Your turning into your grandads :eek:
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  4. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I am not turning Jimbo, I have arrived I am a miserable old git haha
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  5. Nickw

    Nickw Active Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Haha, I think it's something we all fall into Tony. My tolerance of fools diminishes with every day that passes, and I fail to hide my intolerance these days...:rolleyes:
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  6. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Yeah you are just becoming Grumpy old men, that's all...

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  7. Mickasaki

    Mickasaki Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I'm early 40's and am like that now, so god only knows what I'll be like in 20 years time. I used to think most people were good until proven otherwise, but now my view is generally that most are w**nkers until proven otherwise! Old people are frequently rude to others without consequence, and I can't wait for that! Also having no guilt when farting in public or confined spaces should be enjoyable.
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  8. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Old people can be tossers too. Both the wife and I have been known to berate them when they don't acknowledge other people holding doors open etc. As for the pig ignorant "it's a limit not a target" blue rinse brigade who insist on driving at 40-50mph in the NSLs around here, and who get upset when you overtake them, well they make me an even grumpier git than I already am!
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  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I'm not yet in my 60s.


    But I have noticed a change come over me over the years.

    I've always been a bit...reactionary. I flash up quickly and vocally. It's actually got me out of more trouble than it's gotten me into over the years, as people have always had a tendency to back off. I think it's acted as a bit of a safety valve, blowing off steam before I've reached the bridge burning phase. I will raise the £1500 lens over my head the third time it fails to couple, but then I remember £1500 and slowly lower it to the ground...

    This has always been coupled to getting tight lipped and broodily quiet around people who play me. My absolute pet hate is those who go out of their way to score points off my 'inability' to react.

    You know.....customers....

    But as I approach 60, things are changing. I still yell obscenities at psyclists who cut me up, but I find my toss giving facility is drying up and I'm much more likely to blank the more needy of those who would wind me up.

    I'm doing a lot less "Oh no. What a shame. I can't make it to your wedding/christening/made up graduation from nursery school/. I'm afraid I have some urgent missionary work that I promised to do a year ago."

    I am doing a lot more "No. that sounds most disagreeable. Your sister's kids will be there, and here there is rugby in HD and beer, and my life is too short".

    It's great. I've learned how to impress on people that the word "no" is the last word in a negotiation, not the first word.

    It's very empowering, and blood pressure lowering.
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  10. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    You can do that at any age as my Mrs keeps reminding me. I let one go in the lift of a cruise ship a few years ago. We came out and the woman that entered quickly followed us out looking very green :D

    And I had not yet reached 50

    Embarrased? Was I fook.... I gave myself a stitch laughing. In fact still causes me to giggle now.

    So age is no barrier to dropping a goodun in public :rolleyes:;)
  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    The fart is the Chinese takeaway of the gag world.

    They will make any true lad laugh upon their arrival. Then, they will run off into the dead laugh area only to cause a secondary laugh (usually the 'vomit' type laugh due to breath holding beforehand) as the smell arrives. This is best honoured by the farter performing one of those smug Trump grins..... A Trump trump grin, one could say.


    Yes... that one...

    Once the fart gag has dispersed however, a repeat performance is always, Always... met by an exact repeat reaction.

    It can even be repeated years after... "Do you remember dropping your guts at Nan's funeral. You dirty bastard!?!"



    But, the Chinese takeaway bit is that, unlike any normal gag, once it's safely diffused, the fart gag leaves no underlying sense of fulfilment. It has no long term satisfaction value.
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  12. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    One more thing.

    The above Trump trump grin only refers to curtain rippers.

    Silent deliveries must always be claimed by this grin.


    Known globally as 'The Butler's Revenge'.
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  13. Stevie_d

    Stevie_d Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    lol I'm like that , last few years and I'm only 49
  14. Frankblue

    Frankblue New Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    I'm 56 and 1/ missus has called me Victory for a few years now !! Once you realise the percentage of tossers v decent people is rising you tend to treat all as tossers.....must admit my tolerance level has dropped year on year, can't be coincedence can it ? Unbelievable.
  15. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I'm the same...& I went totally 100% Meldrew when I retired.
    But I tend to laugh rather than get into a grump & take the piss out of the the ranty things going off in the world .
    And like Ken, I've found unfettered joy in saying No to excruciating events such as funerals & weddings......oh & christenings...No I don't want to be godmother to your squealing mungbean....especially as it's got ginger hair :confused: :D........more satisfying than seeing a GS broken down :cool:

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