My friend has described him as a Thunderc#nt of the highest magnitude.... I prefer to think he has a magnificent pebble collection to ponder when he's not out riding
It took me a while to realize it was not a genuine police motorcyclist. Weird or what. I wonder if he has flashing lights?
There is a guy up here kitted out the same with ex police bike or same model with all the kit. Shat myself as my rear tyre had nothing left on it! The moment you realise its a 'fake' my reaction was 'what a knob'.
This ^^^^ The 'Polite' vest rant has been done to death, and those who believe it's a good idea (both of them) have their reasons (bizarre, twisted, and yes, cnut like reasons) for believing that everyone who gets behind is suddenly going to have an epiphany and realise "Good lord YES!.... I should be polite to all other road users!" But... to subject your bike to also resembling the sheet stain that was left over when they were conceived is just psychotic cruelty. Is the an RSPCA for bikes, they can be reported to...
I'd put these b*llends up there with airsofters and other Walter Mitty types. People who do the "Polite" thing are doing it for one reason and one reason only. To play policeman dress up. It's tragic. It's sad. It's the actions of a utter kn*b.
Well since getting my "POLITE" vest, I have found I am a born again biker. I liken putting it on before a ride to Prince Adam holding his sword aloft and decrying "By The Power Of Greyskull" It's like a shield of power and also brings out the friendlier side of other road users. I get so many tooting their horns and waving now, as they pass by, where before, just wearing my Repsol leathers, I barely got any acknowledgement. A further bonus seems to be that riding through more run down areas the groups of youths etc standing on street corners have begun throwing offerings of food and drinks to me, coins too, though small denominations. Yes the "POLITE" vest certainly should be on every bikers wish list
... It reminds me of the arse.^?%# who put on medals and pretend to be ex-servicemen! My question though... is he imitating a police officer?
We've got a regular one of these on the commute home. He rides down the middle of the A38M, the main route out of Brum around 4:30pm on a white Honda Vision. He's even put black chevron looking stripes around the bottom of his white flip-up lid and I noticed the recent addition of a GoPro to the top of the lid yesterday. He must have such an interesting commute he now feels the need to film it! I'm guessing that he has to change into this getup somewhere to go home, some office or something. Surely someone has to rip the p*ss, surely??