it will show you how many miles you have left or how much fuel you have left, you don't need to calculate it and it works in litres as well as gallons Although I must admit they could have just put a fuel gauge on it
That was on motorsport last night, the Aprillia won but the didn't take into account any road use, not sure if the mag results were different.
I've gone from a 2016 to a new SP so trust me buddy, smaller tank better range, more power yes, more torque yes, less weight.........
Honda confirm cause of McGuinness crash Guy Martin: I didn't join Honda to be a development rider
KIT ECU.... That's interesting. Obviously we all knew it was the kit one though being the works bike. So maybe the journos and everyone else's jumped on the band wagon? Or is hondas own ecu exactly the same............... Was made in China
Yes...very interesting.... I'm just wondering whether to borrow Mattie's tin foil hat & start bimbling down a Chinese conspiracy theory path
Nearly finished reading: "Faster, Higher, Farther: The Inside Story of the Volkswagen Scandal" by Jack Ewing. Anyway, I said they should have tested that bike that threw the Journalist off, when he was warming up his tyres - when he experienced his rag doll moment with a similar "Blip" !! Here is Guy Martin warming his cold tyres in similar fashion on his analogue Fireblade - without the "Blip" !! From TT3D Closer to The Edge
What significance does that pic have please mattie?? And the journo was on a stock ecu.... that's very diff from a kit one.... Please enlighten as these theories crack me up
Keep up, keep up. Journo gets thrown around when weaving the new Fireblade a bit in pit lane - warming his tyres. The bike goes into an uncontrolled spasm and throws the poor journalist to the ground. Everyone says it was the Journo's fault for weaving a bit on cold tyres. The screenshot of Guy Martin is a sequence in the film TT3D where Guy is doing just that - weaving on cold tyres. Except he does not get thrown around like a rag doll. That is the essence of what I am saying - the line about cold tyres as the cause of the Journo's crash in pit lane is bullshit (IMHO).
Keep up keep up. 1) Your talking shit 2) GM is a professional, who was journo? 3) that's about 4 degree of lean 4) ecu....don't worry you don't understand 5) tyres / conditions.... same?.... hmm I won't bother! 6) I often race on semi cold tyres. If starts delayed etc. So have some relevant experience of the situation compared to journo and forum investigation.... Ps - I never said the issue with journo was cold tyres. I just said he was a cock with ham fisted poor throttle control and even less brain cells.
Why would anyone believe Honda or their bitches at MCN? These are the manufacturer and rag that brought you eC-ABS and never recalled the bikes or reported the reality. Instead they buried VOSA in paperwork and costs. The bike is a marketeer's nightmare. God forbid if they'd killed John or Guy, I wonder what bollocks they'd dig up to blame the dead?
Except with a fly by wire throttle and complete end to end digital bike (as with an end to end digital car) you are actually never in full control of the throttle at all. You can have your throttle input over ridden at any time. If the Honda torque management/ABS program interpreted the front wheel speed, rear wheel speed, forward momentum, pitch and yaw values combined with current throttle position, RPM and steering position as meaning the bike was in state X and the appropriate programmed response based on the selected rider mode was to either open or close the throttle, or activate the ABS then the bike will do that regardless of your intended throttle input. This is the problem with a completely digital system with a fly by wire throttle that is in a "safe handling" mode. It can and will make unwanted throttle inputs resulting is crashes or worse. If your are going really slow and weaving and the bike chops or blips the throttle and you are not quick enough on the clutch, you are going down.
I understand how it works mate..... Electronics are not idiot proof. Which your last para states. Rider error... But the whole set up on the stock from a kit ecu would be very diff so JM and nobber journo are diff scenarios. That's all I was saying
As it turns out, the SP2 ECU, as explained to me, as I have been trying to source the HRC kit components, shares logic with the Kit ECU. They are not that different. It appears the SP2 ECU is good enough to be used in lieu of the HRC ECU. Some teams have been doing just that while waiting for the revised HRC ECU to be released. One of the differences is being able to disable the ABS without the ECU putting the bike in limp mode. Additionally, the Kit ECU and SP2 ECU share logic with the RC213V controller. GM's previous bikes where not fly by wire. With a fly by wire throttle you are not in control of the final throttle input - it is always an ECU approved application of throttle.
What about the standard and sp one? Same? What bike was the journo on? Just because they are largely the same in component etc as you say, doesn't mean the bike set up the same. Hrc might have mapped it diff to what they send road out the factory? Anyway doesn't matter cos guy Martin once leaned a bike with no electrics and didn't crash lol
I am not even sure I really want to ride a fly by wire bike to be honest. My RZ500 track bike is as manual as it gets. 4 throttle cables connected to 4 carbs and only a brake lever between me and the floating rotors, no ABS controller and pump to reinterpret my measured input. Here the SP2 is going to first send every input I make to a committee meeting for approval with every carried motion being 2nd guessed by Chinese software