the padlock that I use to chain my bike to the ground has jammed cannot open it I need to get it sorted tomorrow I got two choices £15 bolt croppers from machine mart or a £30 angle grinder from skrewfix disc included my question is will 18 inch bolt croppers go through a 12mm hardened chain
You tried oiling the lock? Sometimes soaking in oil and giving a tap with a hammer sorts out a stuck lock
Can of spray freeze on a link then hit it with a sledgehammer, unless its a top end chain, that normally works.
Unless it's the cheapest and nastiest chain you won't get it like this. You will make yourself very frustrated and have a sledgehammer wielding around a few feet from your pride and joy. Angle grinder.....because it's a much more useful tool than a set of bolt croppers are to have in the garage.
Some good youtube vids on getting locks opened, might take a while sorting through em, but something may be of use.