My double barrel foot pump seems to have stopped working. It seems to put very little air into the tyres. I suspect it is the thumb lock valve connecter. It is about 9 years old. Is this a known problem with foot pumps? Thanks. I have seen this on eBay.
Do you really think that will last, never mind cope with 42psi? Do yourself a favour, and get one of these.
Do they run off the mains, 12v ciggy socket or what? EDIT: Never mind, I actually read the advert on the web page which states: 1 x 12V power socket
Actually they run off its own internal battery, and yes it it does have an external 12V power socket. It comes with a small charger so you can keep it topped up when needed.
Are you sure it's the pump that's faulty with age & not your foot? Have you tried using the other one? Just a thought before you splash out on a bit of modern technology
Halfords ( click and collect) £28. Brilliant, the hose now screws onto the bike valve. I reckon one pump delivers about 1 psi. I had a quick go last night. No more unhooking the old valve and then using a digital tyre gauge. The old one resides in the green bin.