Gingerly I rode to the dealer (Hatfields of Crowthorne) on Tuesday morning, as the brakes had now decided that they never wanted to do ABS at all (Light stayed on flashing from start till finish). Although as I said to the dealer, I'm not sure they've ever been as good... Feathering the brakes resulted in MORE pressure available, and the brakes firmed up with use rather than getting tired and giving up. I'm almost sorry that they're now fixed... A bleed on the front brakes and ABS circuit and they've not been this good in quite a while. Gave em a good workout on the M4 back to home and all seems well.
Considering the problems I've had with C-ABS since I got it, I'm amazed. To temper of course, I've been here before... It works well for a month or so and then goes to crap.