Having worked most of my life in high end technoloy industry, I am very sceptical about new electronic products. PRoducts are released when barely 60% finished while making riddiculous claims. I follow the convinience & advantages of the smart meters but also read about disastrous installation or product compatibility with different suppliers. Has many of you done the switch and what is your experience?
I haven't done the switch and won't be doing! I've heard saga's about when you want to change companies etc. They also pissed me off by twice sending letters saying they were coming on a specific time & date to install one, when I'd never requested it. When you looked in the finer print, it required confirming or else they'd presume you were not bothered. So this was just a con to try and get one installed and could probably have confused an elderly person, resulting in them thinking they had to have one....and those sort of tactics really grind my gears. And the main thing is...it WON'T save you money UNLESS you look at the bloody thing and go around turning stuff off!! I'm from a generation where you got ya ears boxed if you left big light on so I'd probably save nowt!
Agree fully with Lozzy. I've had them try it on also. Plenty of advice on net stating that they're not mandatory. If we are generally mindful of what's running and what's not, there is no need to look at a friggin' meter. It's another way of the corporate 'information gathering' machine!
+2 Mine never saved me money. I was messed around 3 times with no shows. They no longer work with my new supplier. Total waste of someones money.
I never expected to save money by using them just the convinience of meter reading (which I do monthly). I got messed up with estamated bills before. Having said that maybe for the general public with dimishing IQ & commonsense it is a help. Just look at how dumb people are getting (BTW not a uk exclusive!) I think I will carry on sitting on the fence and wait until the end
Mine is a quarterly estimate. If it's about right, I leave it. If it's out too much I go online & give them the right one...takes a minute...easy peasy. But yeah agree on the up coming generation thing....I fear WALL-E is more prophetic than the producer imagined
Eon keep sending me letters about smart meters wording it in a way that it is a legal requirement , they go in the fire , it bollocks , there is know way I will let any one fit these . Once it's fitted they have ya , same with watermeters I'm Very anti establishment, don't like being told what to do don't Do it
I have one got the bit in the house turned off not going to be like my father in law constantly watching it and living in a fridge . I have a hot tub so no smart meter in the world is gone save me anything . the only benefit to me is I don't have to do meter readings . they say everyone is going to have them eventually but unless they make them all the same for every utility company its a total waste of time
everyone will have one eventually along with a water meter and a micro chip implanted in our brain so the power be can control us
Hmm just popping @Mattie660 tin foil hat on for a moment.....I wonder if it's nowt to do with 'saving' us money and more like saving the power for anticipated increase in electric cars etc..... I don't believe for one minute we've the infrastructure in place to cope with their lunatic predictions
There are some shit driver's out there, had a few close calls this year , one fxxkin idiot on the wrong side of a single lane dual carriageway as I was hooking it round a corner
Mmm. Dunno. Might be time for you to open your eyes to the world @Lozzy. You see, I have done exactly that. Being a guy who is prepared to accept change, I am all in favour of preventing, where and when possible, further degradation of our planet. Is the proof in the pudding, you might well ask? Damn right! I bought my wife this:
I had one in my old house, basically I was getting estimated bills, ended up paying well over what Ishould and it was difficult to get my money back, which I eventually did. Partially my fault as it was direct debit and as they were always estimated I never bothered to open the main and they put my direct debit up which I didnt notice foe months. had the smart meter, thought great, it will know exactly what I am using my bills will be correct etc. biggest load of shite ever. didnt do any of what I thought it would have. moved house and wont have one.
We had a smart meter fitted for the leccy, except that it didn't work - it couldn't get a signal from under the stairs. The installer then said it's pointless doing the gas meter 'cos that wont work either! I now subscribe to Flipper who keep me on the lowest tariff for both Gas & Electric; meter readings once a month to keep on top of things.