What's the verdict on bike dryers. There's turbo blaster and Bruhl Anybody got one? I know you can dry it off by giving it a blast but that isn't always possible
I think there a great idea....dries out all the areas you can't reach I thought about putting the leaf blower in reverse would do the job they look a lot cheaper .....not to sure of best brand to buy but a good idea...
I use one of these, works for me. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00BKXW...t=&hvlocphy=1006679&hvtargid=pla-421456607251
A lot of guys use 1000 watt hair dryers don't they? Cheap AND effective. Of course I can't offer any direct experience because my bikes don't get wet!!
Guys try searching for pet dryer instead of motorbike dryer, I use one and brilliant for all the awkward areas Pet dryer is half the price and exactly the same
Just get one, they're absolutely fantastic. I've got a Bruhl and it makes cleaning the bike so much easier. Frightening how much water you get out of all the nooks. If you can get the pet dryer with the same stats as the bike dryer for cheaper then it's a no brainer. I know when I was buying I couldn't find a pet dryer that was putting it out at 60m/s+ though.
This looks good on max setting 62m/s blows cold and warm .. extra saving if you get a pink one ! . https://www.amazon.co.uk/Display4to...ncoding=UTF8&refRID=3H46D477Z9KK9NY4S3E9&th=1
I managed to pick up a virtually unused Bruhl 2800 off ebay. I turned it on in my hall and it blew a picture off the wall. I've only used it once on the bike and that after a quick wash in near darkness but I think it's going to be worth the investment.
What about this...tempted to get one myself https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2800w-Do...847fb3df:m:mSumkzZBF_IW6StMFcrSNcA:rk:33:pf:0
Holy crap! Looks like I gotta get myself a pink dryer. Might as well go the whole hog with microfibre cloths with Pink playing in the background whilst clean my bike with Pinky finger extented. Ah, damn it. I'm going the whole hog. Ditch the Castrol and get the pink fairings happening! That'll get me some votes.
No, not at all! That is the good thing with bikes, we can dress them up as we please and ours is the only opinion that counts. Always being a helpful kind of a guy, I've found you some matching leathers should you decide to go that route. Not sure if they've got 'boobie space' in the chest though: