I haven't and I wouldn't. I can't think of many enthusiastic owners who would pass over cleaning to a profit-making company. I believe that no person can clean or care for their bike better than the owner him/herself- regardless of the fancy names for chemicals and cleaning agents a 'car wash' service might propose. An owner of a commuter bike might be a candidate, but then Shiny Sauce's own advertising promo precludes such an owner from its services: 'Do you like your bike? Do you enjoy it? Does it put a smile on your face? Is it fun? Yes? Well maybe this isn’t for you.' (No company with an interest in customer relations and building a business would include such negativism in its strapline) And £210+ to £245? We're talking 4 to 5 hours labour there, OR and extremely high rate for say, 90 minutes work. Nup, not for me.
If anyone's interested...I've loads of time on my hands & can do it for half their price... ....in a maids outfit ....singing your favourite songs while I'm at it
Sorry No I've not tried it....by the way what tyre pressures are people using in winter? There we go Raphie ...back on to 500 posts of senzzzzziblezzzzz stuff instead
Not a fan of gimmicky products that look a lot like cilit bang, lol. Plus they've got a suzuki in the picture, so it's probably body oil.
I love coming on here knowledge, experience, help and most of all the banter just to lighten my day. and boy do I need it and we can all read a different thread just like watching the tv, we can all turn off if we please