I was thinking of fitting an intergrated indicator and brake light to my 2008 Blade. Been looking at the sequential indicator version Motodynamic.com do. It seem to plug straight in to the loom, has integrated resistors to take care of the led indicators, but being in the US shipping and import tax are a bit high. Does anyone know a European or UK based supplier of something similar?
I've got a motodynamic one fitted to my rr6. Absolutely superb quality. You won't regret spending out on one. Think I paid no more than about £130 all in.
Sect 4.4.3 of the MoT Testing Manual: Mandatory direction indicators must have minimum separation distances between the illuminating surfaces of: solo motorcycles – 240mm at the front and 180mm at the rear Many of us are fortunate to know a tester who does not own a tape measure.
My TST one passed the MOT OK, but the tester isn't very picky . It packed up though so had to put normal ones back on .