This is what it looks like when you know that you're faster than the guy in front, but are not able to make an overtake and make it stick for a whole lap because of the power difference
Great footage Muffy. I'd be pissed too. Some great corner lines there in preparation for the move too. You only needed about 5 bhp or in @Lozzy terms, two fewer Spam Fritters per week!!
Definitely not pissed by that, it's all part of the fun. Perhaps I just need bigger balls to to force the pass. If he tried to T-bone me on a roundabout then that would be a different matter I reckon he was around a 2 minute lap, so mid Inters.
Don't be afraid to dive in on the brakes and show them your front end. Always focus on the track ahead rather than the rider ahead this will help when It comes to taking your chance.
Yep, agree. It's called 'eloquent intimidation'. There's no mates on track until the race/session is over.
Of course. It's merely for testing bikes and becoming familiar with race protocol - in which case @Lifeofriley was completely correct.