Unsure as they came with the bike, They look of good quality however do NOT say honda anywhere on inside.. hope this helps Offers? As I have no idea what they would be worth
Just to help, all the Honda genuine parts are embossed with Honda and/or the part number together with a small box stamped with production codes and dates, per pic below. If such is not on your fairings, they can be assumed to be Chinese replicas. Their value new, for a complete set (including ALL plastics and screen) , can vary between £245.00 and £300.00.
Agree. But it's not mine. I cropped a pic off eBay to help Ricky. Surely, you wouldn't consider that coming off one of my bikes? The other side to this of course, is why would a seller list a part in such condition? Certainly wouldn't capture my attention as a purchase prospect!
@Ricky Shade , look under the seat cowl. If it doesn't have a big hunk of black plastic moulding and is only a hollow shell, it'll be Chinese.