I am a towering 5'10". Not everyone over here is 400 pounds and 7 foot tall, you know. Though my grandfather, John McEwan, was 6'9" tall. I did not get that gene apparently.
They could well be blokes feet, although I'd like to see them eat it if it's a woman, could be useful
Heathens Have you ever tried one Mine was beautifully battered last night by the Matlock Chip God Kosta....don't knock it unless you've tried it
I should talk...as healthy as I try to be, I put my back out this morning putting my socks on and I am walking around like a 90 year old cripple. I think I'll have McDonald's for breakfast and call it a day.
I think they’re sloppy peas in the tub and will probably come out at the ‘other end’ looking the same!
^^^^ Holy shit. That's a real street? My wives would have had hell of a time putting out the bins and mowing the lawns, let alone walking to the shop to get my morning paper!!
I reckon that's Nigels last wife who got fed up with him sending her out for his papers and why he's a permanently startled look on his face
Reminds me of the other night. I was in Tesco in the fruit and veg section. There was a woman in there taking faarrrrr too long selecting a cucumber. She must've picked up 5 or 6 of the f*ckers and ran her hands up and down them. There was no way she was considering whether it'd make a decent salad
Cucumbers are vile...they taste of water and make you trump...I think she's got the right idea personally Did she eventually select one....or move onto the marrows
Much nicer when you peel the skin of them. I love a greek salad so I might be a bit biased. She was still fondling them when I was walking away so I couldn't say.