End of the year, a little look back

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by blink, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I have had my firbelade a year now, first big bike, second bike all together. (about 9000 miles on it I think)

    Going back to 2017, I did my CBT, that was the first time I had sat on a motorbike, bought a WR125R, crashed it and then lots of life got in the way, my Dad had terminal cancer, and I wasn't in the best of health, so it sat parked up for a year. My Dad passed away in February 2018, and nothing is the same anymore.

    the insurance reminder came back through for the bike, and I decided that i was going to ride it no matter what, so paid the renewal.

    I was, to be honest, scared to get on it, living on a busy road, binning it last time I rode, so my boyfriend put it in his van and we went to the countryside and I started off there, and it was like, what was I worried about, still, I went round and round for a few weeks until I felt confident enough to take it out on my own.

    Then, I had what was probably the best time ever on that thing, I went all over the moors, country lanes, green lanes, quarries, took my flask and a sandwich most of the time, hardly spoke to anyone about it because I didnt know any other bikers.

    I realised that this thing was the best thing ever, even though, looking back, the reason I left it so late to start, and all the problems I have were just anxiety, which I still think sounds daft saying, but its there.

    So, riding past CMC, someone on a big bike nodded at me, and I thought this was great, I was surprised anyone on a big bike would acknowledge me with my L plates.

    My CBT was getting ready to run out, and I decided the new target should be to pass DAS, saw an advert on facebook for the local riding school, DART, popped in for a chat (still cant believe I did that) and before I had left, I was booked on a course. I hated every minute, but never thought of giving up. When I eventually passed it all, I went hope, took the L plates off and thought, ill just keep on with the 125 for a bit, well, that was the last time I rode it.

    Another family member passed away, and a lot of fudge it, life is too short went through my head, so I went to CMC and bought my fireblade in December 18, rode it all over Christmas until I decided to ride it into a ditch, never mind, sorted it out and got back on it.

    Really, this past 12 months since then have been the best I can remember, I'm still not a good rider, because I am still too stiff but took advice from a book and videos, a year ago, the concept of filtering gave me a nose bleed, and now, I almost enjoy it! I know I'm lacking in plenty of areas, and find that frustrating, but I'm doing an advanced course soon, only half a day job but its what the riding school recommend to start.

    I know its a cliche, but this really is a dream come true for me, I reckon it was about 2004 that I started with the idea of wanting to ride, and it took until 2016 until I was brave enough to do something about it.

    I look at this photo, and think, im not just a poser, I really am a biker IMG_4970-(ZF-3243-15870-1-003.jpg

    so, go on, someone else must have a story, if for no other reason than to stop me looking a fool :D
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  2. nigelrb

    nigelrb Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2017
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    Excellent review of your year, @blink .

    Even if no one replies, you won't look like a fool with that. It's down to earth and honest, and there would be similar stories of others in very similar circumstances. I'll make my contribution tomorrow.;)
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  3. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Hats off to you @blink great story, glad you overcame your anxiety and are proud of what you’ve achieved, and rightly so. Happy new year to you all
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  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    That sums up why I nod at learners and even the occasional Ped rider.
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  5. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    oh, i was absolutely smitten, best thing ever
  6. bradt

    bradt Elite Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Happy new year blink, your confidence has really grown over the last 12 months, you look a proper biker now
    #6 bradt, Dec 31, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
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  7. LRJimmy

    LRJimmy Active Member

    Sep 4, 2019
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    Happy New Year @blink
    Well done you!!!!! Really moving story mate ❤️
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  8. Wes

    Wes Active Member

    Dec 17, 2019
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    Enjoyable read Blink.
    I’ve a feeling things are just going to get better and better for you so relax and enjoy the ride.
    Best of luck.
  9. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    i hope so, and riding seems to be the cure-all. Lots of memes about that, so it must work on more than just me
  10. Blade runner 1

    Blade runner 1 Elite Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Nice one Blink, onwards and upwards. The thing is with riding bikes at least for me, (but I don’t think I’m just talking for myself) you’re always learning no matter how long you’ve been riding. I started riding bikes when I was 11 and more than 40 years later I can come back from a day out on the bike having unlocked another piece of the puzzle. And the fact that you ran it into a ditch isn’t necessarily a bad thing, providing you didn’t hurt yourself and got it back up to scratch. It’s another valuable experience under your belt. And out of all the people I know who ride bikes, every one has binned it at some point. Above all else, enjoy every day and stay safe.
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  11. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    i find it helpful watching other bikes wobbling all over, suddenly putting both feet down, swapping feet at junctions, because i still have this idea that everyone is a pro and to be honest, going to Matlock, you see so many shuffling all over parking up, either nobody cares, or everyone is the same.

    I do remember the first time i rode in a group, most of them had both feet down at junctions and I was taught never to do that, it was easier on the bike i learnt on, its a lot easier to lose my balance on the fireblade, well, enough to want a toe on the floor

    im sort of looking forward to the course im going to do, probably because its with someone who is only there to help me, and not show off, even though i hate situations like that.
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  12. Wes

    Wes Active Member

    Dec 17, 2019
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    Some 40 years in the saddle here and still looking to improve every ride. I know my riding isn’t perfect but I don’t tend to worry too much. I do try to improve and understand my weaknesses but the reason I strap my helmet on is to enjoy myself, have fun with my mates and whilst that’s going on, work a little at getting things right.
    Smile behind the visor and enjoy these awesome machines we’ve found !
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  13. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    this is it really, i prefer being on my own, but like it when i bump into people
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  14. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Ditto. Normally ride alone but as I go out early I tend to meet similar people at the bike stops. Mainly just want to ride but happy to waste 15 or 30 minutes nattering whilst they recharge themselves with a brew and a bacon butty.
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  15. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    and thats me all over.

    I was just speaking to someone who said its best riding in pairs, id quite like to do that sometime, but since i dont like making plans, who knows lol
  16. bazzashadow

    bazzashadow Elite Member

    Sep 25, 2018
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    I also nod at all
    we all started somewhere and we are all bikers:)
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  17. Blade runner 1

    Blade runner 1 Elite Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Agree, if it’s got 2 wheels and a motor (not including Segway etc) it gets a nod. I remember when I was 16 buzzing along on my MT5 and got a nod from a proper bike. Felt on top of the world.
  18. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    there we go! not just me that got that

    on the odd occasion, i forget where i am, ill nod at a bike when im driving my car, and on more than one occasion, i get a nod back lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Spygoat

    Spygoat Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    Great story! I hope 2020 brings us all more joys than pains.
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