Bad Neighbours

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by exfire, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    This morning, my neighbour from hell surpassed himself. As I walked along the pavement on my way to Tesco's my 65 yr old ish neighbour drove up the road and swung across at an angle to position himself for reversing into his drive. He looked at me directly as I was walking on the pavement and reversed into me and ran over my left foot with his offside rear tyre.

    Fortunately I was wearing boots and did not suffer injury. As a reaction, I kicked the front of his car, not causing any damage. He leaped out of his car and started swearing at me calling me f...g mental. You know those times when you really want to do something but know it's best not to, well I just about managed to walk away with nothing more than hurling abuse at him.

    There is a long running problem with him, which I wont bore you with. I decided to report it to the Police and a very nice PC came round and I explained it all to him.

    The final line on this, it is his word against mine. I could proceed with an assault charge but it I was told it will not go anywhere. he denied running over my foot and claimed I deliberately walked behind him whilst he was reversing. The onus of ensuring he must not drive at people on the pavement was apparently explained to him.

    There was a witness to this, but she knows him and claims not to have seen the incident, although she was about 15 foot away and looking at me at the time.

    He also told the police I am constantly speeding down the road on my bike and in my car and that I eyeball him. This is a guy who videos me when I ride down the road on my bike.

    I am so glad I put the matter into the hands of the law rather than take appropriate action myself !!!!!!!!!!! NOT
  2. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Sounds like a fecking grumpy old sod. Yes I have a few around my area but not like that

    I would do something in a few weeks/months. OK not the sensible thing but I would feel I want to. As long as its nothing too bad or expensive if he keeps being a grumpy neighbour. rev the nuts off the bike at 6AM close to his window? your word against his and a bit of noise is ok after 6am ;)

    Party loud till 11PM again not loud after 11 as thats not good. if you get me

    then again my good side says ignore the silly sod life's not worth it
  3. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Buy a road legal tank and reverse over his foot! whilst its in his car
  4. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Curl 1 out on his bonnet i say !!! ha ha
  5. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Cheers guys you made me laugh and it has been a bad day. Unfortunately he has 4 very close neighbours who will say anthing he wants them to say. The videoing of my bike is particularly annoying, especially as it has sound. The ASBO law can be a real pain, all you need is several people to complain and it is very difficult to counter, especially in a small town where you are an outsider.

    He has got away with running over my foot and faces no charges, kinda makes me wish I had dealt with it differently. He has previously stood in the path of my partner and daughter while they were walking on the pavement by moving in front of them and making them walk round him. I had to let that go, again no witnesses, it's getting quite hard to ignore.
  6. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Maybe get half a dozen ugly, hairy bikers (god knows where you'll find them), and just have them stand in a group staring at his house. If he comes outside or looks out of the window, get them to nudge each other and nod in his direction and maybe make some notes. Do this half a dozen times and watch the paranoia grow.

    If all else fails, I know places on Dartmoor where you'd need Tony Robinson to find a body.
  7. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Lots of bikers around I say all in ass less chap might make him think twice
  8. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Thats me out then, far to good looking for that.
  9. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    These people really lead seriously sad little lives! You done the right thing mate, the knobber ain't worth it.... Although he clearly deserves a slap! I mean, who does that to a woman and child??

    If you do, your word against his mate ; ) make sure nobody sees...
  10. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Thanks guys, I know I legally did the right thing but it sticks in my throat that he is getting away with it all. Also we are now going to get the Community PCO's coming round regularly, which is OK but.........they will no doubt be looking extra hard at the bike and in particular the exhaust, especially as he has complained to them about it today.

    I get my foot run over, he gets no punishment and he manages to get complaints in about my bike and me eyeballing really is a joke.

    Still it's all small fry really in the big scheme of things, do ya think if I keep repeating it to myself I might actually start to believe it haha :)
  11. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Here is what you do, and I know it will work in time, get your self some plastic flowers Daffs work best and plant them in your front garden now whilst its still mid winter. Say nothing to him or any other neighbour; trust no one to know what you’re doing. Next winter do the same he will not be sure of your mental state of mind and be a little circumspect towards you in future.
  12. Gums

    Gums Active Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    get an outside camera that faces his drive you will have some kind of video evidence
  13. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Love the daffodil idea. Can't put a camera facing his drive or anywhere, his is a corner plot and his drive is in a different road to mine. He put up a 6 ft 6 inch fence up inside my fence on our boundary and his drive is on the opposite side hidden by his bungalow and fence.

    I am led to believe it is not legal to have camera pointing at anyone elses property. I may end up having to go to Environmental Health about the noise nuisance as I believe they can supply recording equipment..
  14. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Just be careful of the environmental health aspect Nige. I'm sure I read that if you were to sell your house any such complaint would need to be declared.
  15. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    He put a fence up on your boundary and inside the boundary line????

    Really want to piss him off - take it down, well within your rights if he's done that!!
  16. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Exfire, feel for you fella. Try not to let it escalate if you can help it, my ex and I had a similar problem many years ago when we lived in Sutton Coldfield. The nice old guy next door moved back Ireland after his wife died, before he left he came round with a bottle of wine to say thanks for all the help we had given him and that he was not selling the house but had rented to a lovely Irish family.
    In moved the family, old bloke that looked like the drunken old fella in farther ted, wife and special needs teenage daughter. All went well for about a month or so, then Mary said to me she had seen the old fella sitting on our wall, no real issue with this other than mild irritation, he then started walking up our drive and looking though the windows, but when Mary caught him peeping at her whilst she was breast feeding she shouted at him to go away. When I got home she told me and I stormed round and told his wife that we had had enough and if he did it again we would take action. In return I was given her racist views on the English. I have never heard the word cnut so many times in such as short discussion. Nice lady!
    Next day when Mary left the house the old guy was sitting on the wall, so she went to try and smooth things over with him. He called her the same thing and whacked her with his stick! I immediately drove back from London and confronted him at which point I had him, his wife and the nutter daughter all attacking me in their porch. If it hadn’t have been so serious it would have been hysterically funny.
    We called the police and I called the owner in Ireland, who told me that they had stopped the direct debit for the rent. Police turned up, took a statement and went round to see them. He came back a bit later with a long face saying that they wanted to report me for assault on the daughter but would be prepared to drop it if we promised to stop hassling them. Bastards I never touched the girl.
    I’ll shorten the story. It went on for over two horrendous years during which we had human shit left in our porch, which we know was him as the neighbour the other side told me he had seen the old fella coming out of my porch doing up his trousers.
    But as with you Exfire he didn’t want to get involved said he would not back it up with any form of statement etc Cars damaged, rubbish, dog shit and handfuls drawing pins thrown over the fence, constant verbal abuse the list of issues went on and on all of which we had to put in a diary and photograph till they finally got evicted by force in police presence. We had to go to court three times, but they only got a fine once. I have to say that West Midlands Police could not have been more helpful or supportive.

    Good luck with it, hope the situation resolves itself without more problems for you.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Feel sorry for you mate..If it gets that bad buy yourself an air rifle bag, or gunslip if you have no guns. Make a toy one to put in it and make a point of putting it in your car where him and the neighbours can see you.I've had a few irritable neighbours and everyone of them has backed off once they knew I have guns.I've even lent the gun slips to my mates and it works a treat.Calling you f****ing mental with the thought of a gun in your hand may make em think twice.
  18. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Yes Ken, any trouble has to be declared if found out I believe you can be prosecuted/sued.

    JV yes I know, what's worse he has put it up 6 iches away from my timber lean to which is 10 by 12. I can't weather proof it and I couldn't even get in the gap to take it down.

    Freedom of Choice, God yours sounded bad. Noise is the worst thing, have tried Environ Health but they want more complainants....we are the only ones who back onto his property. The people opposite him and next to the alleyway are both his best mates and say he is not noisy.

    Sideways, the guy already thinks I am mental and told the police that. he knows I could take him down, but he just doesn't care. I think his whole strategy is to push me over the edge so I do time, gotta say, some times it feels worth it.

    We will move in the next year or two, the last thing we really need is records of neighbour trouble, especially as the town is very small and the Americans have mainly shifted to living on base, so prices are well down and quite a few empty homes.
  19. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Feel for you mate, must be a shit situation, especially when your out and the misses and kid are home alone. I'm really lucky with my neighbours, tbh, surprised they haven't moaned at me with bikes starting at 6 in the morning!!!

    I had a similiar thing, not with a direct neighbour but some dude that lived around the back of me. Came home one day to find him knocking his girlfriend around in the street. Didn't get involved until some little old lady that was walking past simply said take it home son, for him to then turn on her!!! Without boring everyone, I asked him the same, he tried to give it large, I got a golf club and my german sheppard to pursued him that he was a knob, I then had to explain to the boy's in blue, down the station why this was self defence.

    The worst bit was every day I went to work and left the wife and two year old i kept thinking that a brick would come through the window, or they would get a hard time. Nothing ever happened and 6 months later we moved away from South London to Kent.

    He's obviously trying to wind you up, my advise is to not let him, ignore him and anything you might decide to do, make sure no one see's you. That's proberbly a lot harder than it sounds though!!
  20. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    cheers Dave being out is one of the things that is worrying. He was very fortunate to get away with stepping into the path of my partner and Daughter that day and making them walk around them.

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