Don't forget we have 2 Bank Holidays this month, Friday 8th and Monday 25th so the Govt. will be wary of relaxing the rukes by much before then. On the upside with all the DIY people have done their wives won't have any excuse for keeping them in once lockdown is lifted enough
I've been working throughout this but mostly alone . But when you can't do the norm at weekends work help you get through it ....... if you get my drift
A knackered hitachi by the look of it, cant believe you've got all those scratches up the dipper, too much grease collecting dust which will cause excessive wear on the pins and bushes....
It is something that I've done since the early 80's, motorways, pipelines, housing and demolition etc
Well if Boris gives us any kind of lock down lift and if the weather is even close to what it's been like I am going to rag my blade every day next week. I dont care it's only got 300 ish Miles on and not had its service but it's going to get proper spanked It's time to help the economy and buy petrol
I seen no less than 20 bikes coming back home today,lucky to see that in a week normally lol. I'm going to have to be very careful when I get back out. Im so keen to give it some but I've covered less than 1500 miles in the last 2 years so will be mentally thinking I'm exactly where I left off yet in reality my brain will be nowhere near ready. Will have to be sensible and build myself back up.
Same situation here @tuktuk. I’ll probably just rev mine antisocially tomorrow afternoon at my streets front garden party so the neighbours don’t talk to me and I can get pissed and bbq to my hearts delight.
I'm lucky enough to be still going to the office to work. But as we are in the country and I'm 15 mins from work, when the weather is nice I use the bike to get there. OK I might take a slightly longer route but I'm enjoying getting out on the bike. The weather is amazing and I understand how lucky I am to even get a small amount of time on the bike compared to the rest of you. To be fair i do take it carefully but with less traffic its so much fun. Cant wait for the lockdown to end. Just hope the weather holds out for us all. Keep your chins up!
We will have to organise a ride out after this Alan, practically the only other member on here that’s on my doorstep, take care mate and enjoy those commutes
Definitely do that. I had a right blatt today. I even 'popped' home lunchtime to extra time on the bike. As soon as we can we'll organise a ride. Take it easy.