New bike (additional)

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by blink, Dec 4, 2021.

  1. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I always missed my old WR125R enduro, and have been thinking about getting an enduro so i can go on the green lanes, not worry about getting dirty or wet, and probably a bit easier to take down the single track roads than the fireblade.

    I just saw a competition on facebook for a KTM 690, and thought that looked pretty nice, quick look online and saw this

    thing is, since im a two bikes ever ridden person, what are these like for that? Can i put some big knobbly wheels on it for the green lanes and it still be ok to do 80 on a big road, or ride down the M1 to work?

    I dont think i want to be too specifically off-road, because there arent really many green lanes left, and ill be riding to them.

    Im just rambling now, what do you think though? I'm not looking to buy until next april time
  2. hitch

    hitch Elite Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Not sure knobblies and green leaning on that are a great idea…I stand to be corrected though.

    maybe consider one of the CRF Hondas? …I did a little off road training a few weeks ago on a CRF250 and it was great, plenty powerful enough.
  3. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    i saw a CRF and really liked it, then i started being put off it, might be that i couldnt find many road legal ones
  4. dave the rave

    dave the rave Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    you can buy 690 enduro the one in the add is a super moto 690 same bike different set up
  5. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I like that, ill have to put that on the list
  6. dern

    dern Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2017
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    Something a crf250/300 or something like a drz would be more fun. It's not like you can nail along on green lanes most of the time unless you want to go head first up a horse or kill someone's dog.

    If you're more experienced then something bigger is doable and will be better on road.

    My drz is good for me as I don't know what I'm doing to a large extent, It can cope with most things and I can easily pick it up when I drop it. I also don't care if I damage it which I have and will continue to do so. On tyres suitable for a lot of mud it can do 70 on road but it feels sketchy as fuck and I find myself doing 50-60.

    Get one now, don't wait, the mud is fun.
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  7. blink

    blink Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    it looks fun, and i think, being honest, i want to ride the roads when they are dirty like today, then go on the few green lanes, but i just like the look of them. I think the weather is putting me off riding my fireblade now because i dont like cleaning it. I dont want to go fast either, just sort of cruise around the back lanes, but still dont want to be on something slow, my 125 was like pulling teeth on even a slight incline.

    Big thing now seems to be that they dont seem to be listed like sportbikes etc, the likes of CMC have hundreds listed, but no enduros, and I cant find an enduro dealer

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