To be fair to them it's not in anybodys interest to be spending hours at the side of the road trying to fix something. Quick check of the basics and then recovery if unsuccessful. Glad you're sorted anyway, you should find it won't give you anymore trouble now aslong as you don't use it.
Last road ride on the CB500 before I SORN it ready to be replaced with something different. If anyone wants a cheap but well sorted road legal track bike then give me a shout
Holme Moss. My son’s work has these for employees. I quite like cycling but the hills round here kill me. This thing. Wow, just wow.
Had a nice run out yesterday thinking it might be last one of the year - was a bit fresh but a cracking bit of fun
Back out to Chatsworth for lunch on Sunday with my partner on the Biffa this time. We picked up some lamb balti from the farm shop which we’ll be trying tonight. Topboxes are sooo useful. I can carry reading glasses…. Chatsworth used to do a lamb jalfrezi which was bloody epic. My son has been making the dough for naans since he got home.
Out on the Jihadi (Active Radical) around Derwent. Quite possibly the most fun motorcycle out there. Sounds like a crosser but goes like hell
So for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go for a ride on Saturday, I wished I hadn't of bothered, my indicators and 4 way flashers stopped working ! presumably this is a blown fuse? is the fuse box under the left hand mid fairing where the flasher relay lives? So I headed back home into the dark with a smoked visor, got home and went to put the bike into the very small shed where it's stored, something in the dark flicked the side stand up and I couldn't hold it with the weight and it fell into the shed with a sickening crack!! nose cone fairing cracked DOH, has anyone repaired this type of damage and which method would you recommend? Davey.
I had mine repaired and painted by a bloke in Preston but I wouldn't recommend him tbh, his work was decent but he can't be relied upon, he's chaotic. He was using soldering iron and "big boy flexi plastic filler" Are you tempted to have a go yourself? Plastic weld, filler, sand, prime, paint, lacquer. I paid £200 for crack repair and respray.
My mate messaged me, he has some sort of hot staple gun, he recons we can fix it from behind and fill/paint the front. He is far more handy/skilled than me so I'll be on the tea and biccy duty
I had a quick look on e-bay and could only see blank/unpainted ones from China, £150 + £45 P&P (probably import duty on top of that) I'll go with Charlie's choice and DIY it. Not going to be precious about this bike it's tatty and has been nowt but bother from day one. I'll never buy blind again.
Yea that's the ticket. Also if you have any other bits of fairing plastic lying around you can use that as your "solder" to melt in bits to build it up. That filler I've posted is good stuff though. Put some pics up of your finished job.
Have you tried supafix it’s a powder and liquid filler. I find quite useful even patched up an intercooler with it.
Roses are red Violets are blue I've not got a bloke to ride So this will have to do Happy Valentines guys from a very chilly Peaks.....( still warmer than me heart tho )