BBC look east this evening

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    A guy has just been banned today for 18 months today for riding his 1000cc superbike at 156mph on the A1. I couldn't see properly what bike it was as it was blocked out but by the look of the rear and passenger foot pegs it could have been a blade. It was only his second time on the bike and his defence was that the bike was build for the speed and he was in total control. Think the defence fell at the first jump based on his admission that it was only his second time on the bike. What a numpty. But there by the grace of god we go!
  2. Moily

    Moily Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Just been on the national news too. To be fair it was the open, straight, 4-lane stretch of the A1(M) near Peterborough. Used to enjoy winding it up on that stretch when it was quiet on a Fri evening but the Feds have been pretty keen on their patrols for the last couple of years. In particular there's a Police ramp cunningly situated behind a tree line on the northbound just after the A14 merges into the A1 that they like to sit on. :(
  3. RedMacGregor

    RedMacGregor Active Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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  4. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Well as wrong as it was.......18 month ban ??....... paedos get off better !!!!............... well at least they can still drive (whilst being pursued by an angry mob) lol !!!!
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  5. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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  6. Mel

    Mel Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    I think its right, I know of someone :D who did this once on a similar stretch of road, but it was more like 175..

    She saw traffic merging in the distance, so moved from the middle lane to the outside lane, at that moment of moving a huge gust of wind caught her, she crossed the solid white line on the outside edge of the carriageway, and as it looked like curtains anyway, she leant as hard as she could to the left, managed to send the bike into the far left lane, and somehow recover and stay upright..

    Had she crashed, she would have ended up on the opposite carriageway, and maybe caused an accident big enough to kill others... lesson learnt, she has never done it since.. and thats why they make tracks for racing others on ;)
  7. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Ok i agree Mel..........................................................................................................................................................just sticking up for him as he is my cousin !
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  8. Mel

    Mel Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    thats fair enough rob, we would all stick up for someone we know... but the story above it true, there are still teeth marks in the seat LOL :D
  9. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Think 18 months is harsh... Considering You'd only get that for drink driving?

    But I'm surprised, plus 150 and i wouldn't be surprised if he had a few week break from society! You know how much the courts love us bikers?

    But let's face it, who hasn't topped out there bikes on the queens highway? I haven't - but all my mates have. :)
  10. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    when I read about people being put away for speeding for a year or so and think how others get 6 months for driving while using a mobile, drunk etc.. it does my head in.

    Speeding is not wrong in the right situation. Who can you hurt say at 5AM on a sunny morning doing 120+ on the Mway? Yet you can get put inside for beating the living S**T out of a little sod who brakes into your house
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  11. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Mel im haveing a "Si last night" moment ! he s not my cousin really........................ (JD plz forgive me !) one was rang !................ but i bet it made you laugh ! :D
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  12. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Poor observation not noticing the copper on his tail.

    Stupid defence. No one who hasn't had personal experience of riding a powerful bike is ever going go along with "I was in control, it's bulit for speed argument". If he'd pleaded guilty and acted remorseful the punishment wouldn't as bad.

    But that said, there for the grace...
  13. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    It's just one of those things isn't it. We all have 170+ bikes on here, so let's be under no illusion, some of us ride them....hard, but if anyone gets up above the ton and get they get caught by the Feds there's no real point to gnashing of the teeth and wringing of the hands, they're going to be made an example of. I'm surprised if any body else is surprised, frankly. It's open season on their arse and the media is going to tear them a new one.

    Occupational hazard for a three figure rider. Just put your hands up and hope its over quick.
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  14. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    watching the vid the copper was almost riding pillion ! he did get tapped on his shoulder did nt he ??........
  15. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Unfortunately there is the concept of 'if you don't want to do the time don't do the crime'.

    For a huge variety of reasons the 'law is an ass' comment is one of the biggest understatements of all time IMO.

    The poor guy has an 18 month ban, extreme IMO.

    My neighbour, drives his car at me (a weapon) and runs over my foot, because there are no witnesses the police can not prosecute.

    As I was on the pavement at the time, and the guy saw me, and then decided to aim at me I am appalled at the outcome.

    It seems there is no logic, sense, rhyme or reason to it. Of course, if I should take the law into my own hands there will be retribution.

    Difference is, I believe in the adage ' if you can't do the time, don't do the crime' , sometimes it's worth it.

    Unfortunately, we are seen to be public enemy number one in some peoples eyes and I can't see it changing.
  16. vic_ster51

    vic_ster51 Active Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    like you all say people get less for doing wayyyyy worse! I mean ffs its a big main road, only gonna kill yourself generally, not like kiddies about playing... i can go through my village at any speed i want never get police sitting there looking for speeders to protect the public.... funny there always say we putting safety 1st of motorists etc... yeah right!!! When have you seen police near schools etc

    Just another unlucky one i guess, espically nowadays with modern cars, bikes etc you dont even no your doing the speed... that car infront was doing basically 100mph

    Oh at cops that sit at roundabouts... why dont they go after the fuckers and explain them road safety, who come up to a roundabout, and just look straight ahead only, god that pisses me off, notice it loads on a bike, people have no clue or just "to busy" to look.... yeah we all ride like nutters but we know what we doing
  17. djfleming22

    djfleming22 Active Member

    May 25, 2011
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    This is how the police in Scotland have plugged the gap in there pension and lack of money from the government......this was yesterday

    TWO motorists have been caught driving at almost twice the speed limit near schools during a police crackdown on speeding.

    The Scotland-wide campaign yesterday led to the detection of 561 offences relating to speeding and inappropriate driving.

    In Sauchie, Clackmannanshire a pedestrian was injured at a zebra crossing.

    Police said a motorist was reported for allegedly driving dangerously by failing to stop in time at a zebra crossing, causing her vehicle to collide with the back of a vehicle which had stopped at the crossing.

    That vehicle struck a pedestrian using it, who suffered minor injuries.

    The driver, who was pregnant, was taken to hospital as a precaution but she and her unborn baby were not hurt.

    In Fife two drivers were caught driving at almost twice the 20mph speed limit in school zones during school hours.

    The crackdown was co-ordinated by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland and was supported by all eight police forces and safety camera partnerships.

    Police stopped 390 drivers for driving at excessive speed while camera-mounted vans detected 128 offences.

    Nineteen people were charged with driving dangerously and 24 were charged with driving carelessly.

    Chief Superintendent Derek Robertson from Lothian and Borders Police said: "As can be seen from the figures, far too many drivers continue to drive at excessive speeds or in a dangerous or careless manner on the roads of Scotland on a daily basis, potentially putting their lives and the lives of others at risk each time.

    "Among some of the offences detected during our day of action lie some serious incidents involving pedestrian injury, dangerous driving and speeding near schools. Our message is clear: speeding and inappropriate driving risks lives, young and old.

    "As we see the end of this year's campaign, the new 2012-13 campaign begins as we continue to endeavour to reduce the number of people who continue to take unacceptable risks and endanger the lives of road users."

    Among those caught yesterday was a motorist driving at 82mph in a 60mph area of Fife.

    Five people had their vehicles seized.

    In Fife two people had their vehicles seized for driving with no insurance. One of them also had no driving licence.

    In Edinburgh officers spotted a six-year-old child being carried on a passenger's lap in a van. Police found that the driver only had a provisional licence. The van was seized and the motorist reported for driving without a licence and dangerous carriage of a child.

    In Tayside two vehicles were seized under the Antisocial Behaviour Act 2004.
  18. Carlosoul

    Carlosoul Active Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Wonder if they fined him for having a small number plate
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  19. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Not really understanding your post here mate.

    Driving at twice the speed limit near a school
    Hitting someone on a zebra crossing
    Driving with no insurance and also no licence
    Carrying a kid on your lap and only having a provisonal licence.

    All these people deserve to be nicked.

    And the money goes to the general pot not to the police.
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  20. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    A custodial sentence for speeding is always going to be hard to swallow by people at general, but it needs to be viewed in context. Twice the speed limit in a school zone? Please...If I could lock him up just for being a twat, I would. Hitting another car at a Zebra with sufficient force to push it into a pedestrian. Do her. Pregnant or not, WTF was she doing when it happened. No licence or insurance, I'd shoot them if I could.

    A defence of being in control despite a 150 mph is bloody laughable and using it only helps in making us, the bikers, look more stupid.

    If I was to shoot one of Arthur's guns across a room in a public space and claimed it was safe because I was a good shot and the gun was maintained well, you'd all laugh me out of court too. At least, I hope you would.

    In the eyes of the great unwashed, and I'm including most Magistrates, JPs and judges here, we're the bad boys of motoring. Always were, always will be. The Leo's will be eyeing us like a fox in a hen house the minute we ride out the door on our superbikes even if we're doing 15 in a 20. In most people's eyes just riding a bike is tantamount with 'going with intent', we're not going to catch a break and high profile media exposure will compound it.

    Do I think he should have been locked up?

    If the circumstances were as described and he's not a serial offender, probably not. If there was other traffic around him and he's got a history, I'd not be so sure.

    Unfortunately, whatever the truth is, MCN will know turn him into some kind of martyr for the jihad.

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