Well i got my Honda High Screen for my Birthday and promptly fitted the bastard! Like you warned I preceded to snap both tabs of the inside of the top fairing How weak & flimsy are they! Honda should be ashamed I mean what purpose do they serve apart from makin the owner look like an heavy handed incompetent farkin twat!!....? Anyhoo not to be beatin by such trivialities i stuck two great blobs of black tack on the bastard! And bobs your knob sorted!! And relax mmmmm! The screen looks well feckin lovely on the bike tho
Right little bastard when they brake but agree they are stupid thing. Did u remove the mirrors? And I feel your pain
Yeah follow the instructions to the letter it was the bottom wellnuts that go through the bracket that were troublesome! It was when i tried to remove them from the bracket thats when both tabs snapped!!..
It like industrial strength blue tack! All the journalists rave about it, they stick there cameras,dataloggers etc to the bikes with it! You can get it from photography websites or ebay it's mega strong but does'nt mark your paintwork and helps with vibrations! It's got loads of other uses though, it's great stuff
I fitted my high screen afew months back aswell. Im sure I broke both the tabs haha. Its all fitted and secure now though, no blue tack required. Great screen, highly recommended if your tall.