These are the Chinese ones, but they are the best replica's I've ever seen. They are unpainted as my plan was to get it painted myself but I'm gonna stick with the black. They are fully complete including the infills and even the pillion cover etc I have cut out the fairing for R&G's and also trimmed where the Arrow headers go, but these have never been on the road and only ever trial fitted once. I paid £350 for it, looking £280 delivered,
Can't remember as I've had them a while. Ill have a look through my PayPal history and see if the name is there. I'd recommend them to anyone. I'll throw up a photo later from the back off the nose cone from the Chinese one and a brand new genuine one to compare, they even have the same casting mould markings.
hi viper, is this a complete fairing set? if it is a complete set i will have them from you. let me know and i'll pm my number to you