It's the little things that add up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kpone, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Here's the thing. Mrs Kpone and I have had the last week off work doing absolutely sod all, lazing around the garden, catching up on some reading (my mate dumped his entire last years subscription of "Superbike" on me) and generally just chilling out. The weather's been great but I've not suffered the urge to take the bike out, the idle gene has just been too strong and I just couldn't be arsed.

    Now yesterday Mrs Kpone saw the weather forecast and the weather man said that the rest of the week is going to be pants (they were of course wrong, today is quite nice too, remembering that I can actually see the Met office from my house), and she started nagging me "you should take the bike out, you're wasting the weather, blah blah". Well what man can refuse such nagging. Out came the 'Blade, off to Heine Gericke in Taunton, I thought, up the A38, running more or less parallel to the M5 so nobody will be using it.

    Okay, we'll start with the resurgenge of double decker buses on rural roads that are no longer maintained sufficiently to allow them passage. Double decker buses with four people on them including Reg Varney up front, ripping spikey, puncture inducing bits of trees off and dumping them infront of my tyres while completely blocking the sight lines needed to overtake the stinking dinosaur safely.

    Then there's the convoy system roadworks, where you wait for ages for some pimple on a quad to lead traffic through p**s thin re-tarmaccing operations that shower your plastics with grit and bitumin for weeks after they've finished, while suffering said pimple stopping for a chat with his mates on the way and practising their wheellieing skills.

    Then there's the caravanners, generally, people with little skill or indeed qualification in the driving of an articulated vehicle or regard for anyone trapped in their wake, despite what caravan club propoganda says to the contrary, using the B roads as a rat run home in order to bypass the motorway visible on their left that was built specifically as a rat run for them so that we, on the peninsula, can get rid of them as quickly as possible.

    Top this off with, what seemed to be every agricultural vehicle without tail bars, number plates, brake lights or indicators in the south west also deciding to go to Heine Gericke at the same time as me and you'll see why I got about half way and decided to turn around and come home. Through all the above once more.

    Now, all the above is a rant, and once I'd thrown the leathers back in the cupboard and had a beer it didn't seem as important or as irritating and by now I don't mean any of it (maybe), but I was wondering... Was it bike karma, the 'Blade getting it's own back for me ignoring it all week, or was it kpone karma teaching me a lesson about if my head's not in the place to ride out don't do it?
  2. garyauk

    garyauk Active Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Haha i know the feeling, sometimes you just don't feel like riding........nothing wrong with that.
  3. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Great post... 'stinking dinosaur' lol

    Sometimes it goes like that, ive been out many a time and il stop somewhere for a cuppa and think to myself 'Im actually not enjoying today that much' and i guess that comes down to a few of which youve made a point about...Traffic and the other is just having things on your mind i guess

    I wouldnt say if your thinking about things its not a good time to ride but you certainly dont enjoy it as much...likewise if yove got something on your mind and are pi$$ed about something then going for a blast out on some nice roads can make you feel a whole lot better imo

    When the sun is out and im not on the bike i always think im wasting the day lol, but then just because the suns out doesnt mean you have to ride..sometimes your not in the mood and you dont even know it :)
  4. fisher

    fisher Active Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    I feel your pain mate, I've had a few runs like that this year, bank holidays spring to mind, I work all work, waiting for the weekend to arrive, a load of us organise a run out to Mid Wales along with every Tractor, caravan, lorry/van, holidayers, and general Sunday drivers seem to have the same idea as us..............I've turned around more than once this year feeling totally pissed off for wasting a day
  5. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Very erudite Mr Kpone ... I know exactly where you are coming from . Some sunny days I just get the bike out and do a mod
    or improve on a mod I have already performed previously or even an extra deep clean and find that can be just as satisfying
  6. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Thank you all for your support for my little therapy session. I'd like to say that I'm not normally so ranty when things get under my nails but that would be misleading you all, but I do feel that taking it out on the keyboard is better than taking it out on something with nearly 150bhp on tap and a contact patch the size of a credit card.

  7. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    True dat!

  8. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Perhaps we need a new sticky and call it Therapist Couch
    A place where we all unload the frustrations of the day
  9. Jamz

    Jamz Active Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Well in my case we may need a Coach not Couch :)

  10. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Liking that, may grid lock the server though.

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