Motogp fans - possible spoilers within be warned

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Just wondered who's a Motogp fan on here?

    Obviously a lot may be but unless I've missed it in the Rules & regs I find it strange nobody's discussed races yet.

    So I'll start it off :)

    Me I'm over the moon, yet also quite annoyed :)

    Why? Cos I've been a Stoner/Ducati fan for some time (had a couple of dukes before the RC8) and it always seemed myself and a small few were in the minority whilst he was at Ducati for actually sticking by the belief that he's frankly amazing to watch on a bike and I actually never got the 'moaner' tag as I always thought he had to ride the Ducati to the limit.

    Well now look at them, that really annoys me that everybody thought he wasn't pushing the bike and all of a sudden the GOAT is seemingly starting to 'moan' every race about guess what...... The bike!

    So im happy Stoner is rampaging on the Honda and showing what he's got especially as I am now, as of today, officially a Honda owner :)

    And breathe........ Glad we got that outta the way :)

    So, Rossi 16th and about to now reject the GP11.1 (2012 bike in drag), Stoner pushing the limits of physics once again, Little Dani coming back strong and Cal doing a sterling job although another nasty off in qualifying today.

    Tomorrow will be a great race :)

    Ps - im actually quite fond of side show 'simmo' bob as well...... He's bonkers :)
  2. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    the bike rossi is riding wasnt meant to use the 800cc engine so it doesnt handle right. the 1000cc was much quicker.

    something to do with the crank turning the opposite way on the 800 or the crank being higher or lower in the frame compared to the 1000cc

    i agree though im amazed at how badly rossi had taken to the ducati and obviously jerry burgess isnt there for past couple of races which has really hurt their set up/development.

    you have to take your hat off to karel abaham who is usually the fastest ducati and he is on pretty much last years bike and hayden is dfoing a solid job on the factory bike. just keeping quiet and getting on with it - same as when he was at HRC and they made a bike for pedrossa not him even tho he was champion at the time.

    stoner is amazing. no question. over 1 lap he is no doubt the fastest in the world.

    ive yet to actually see him win a 'race' though. all his wins are from the front. i cant remember him ever being in a last lap battle and coming off on top.
  3. skinso

    skinso Active Member

    May 15, 2011
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    I'm a big stoner fan no matter what bike he's on tho glad he is on a Honda, I'm def not a rossi fan he and Burgess did a bit of trash talk about stoner, rossi was only 1.1 second faster than pole in MOTO 2
  4. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Well that was actually a bloody good race, well done dani, great race pace from the little fella!

    Pity George did stoner on the last lap but that's life, I'm sure it'll all get switched around again by the end of the season.

    Cal had another stinker though, he's not a happy chappy
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    was a cracking race and really enjoyed it. I'm a big Rossi fan but more important a Huge MOTO GP fan so a good race is more important. great to see Rossi coming through the field and hope he gets a bike that he can be more competitive. Great to see a big fight between George, Stoner and Pedro.

    hope more races are that fun

    Love Moto GP, enjoy WSB, same with BSB, touring cars. le mans, F1 anything with wheels. But dislike football. Allot
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  6. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Definitely not a Stoner fan but there is no denying the way he rides that Honda it is awesome to watch. I am a Rossi fan but I am a Rossi fan for not just him having the stat's that support all he has done on 2 wheels but for who he is. As for the trash talk about Stoner, lets be honest they all do it to each other and say things that we perceive are not accurate and therefore take our own opinions of these perceived situations. Stoner laughing in the background when bo bo the clown (Simmo - who is awesome by the way) when he tried to shakes Dani's hand and Dani refused, that just seemed to me Stoner exacerbating the situation. But when your riding like he is on the best bike out there then you are just saying to the other riders "come and have a go"!! :)

    Good to see the Suzuki making headway, Bautista rode well again.

    Hope Ducati can sort it for 2012, looking forward to the 1000cc's again!
  7. wild bill

    wild bill Active Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I'm not a fan of Casy Moaner, he's the first person to start throwing the dirt around if things don't go his way... saying that, he is an exceptional rider with a lot of talent, the Repsol Honda and Moaner are definitely a winning formula.

    I would also like to add, his Mrs could do anything she wants to me :)
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  8. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    I concur with that statement me lord :)
  9. Carlosoul

    Carlosoul Active Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I love watching Stoner and the way he hangs off the bike, I think some people dont like him because he doesn't just moan about the bike in the past but also everything else including people on the track at the same time as him for practice and people following him which is quite common etc.

    I think at that level with the pressures they are under some riders react better than others.

    Lorenzo is in hunter mode, watch out
  10. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Rossi end of the man is a fooking god in ever way to do with motogp he is the MAN!! stoner is a tosser mint rider like! lorenzo WANKER again good rider pedrosa alright ish again good rider!

    you see where this is going there all good on a bike but as for like ablity its rossi simmo hayden edwards cappo not the ps3 generation ;)
  11. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    What makes Lorenzo a wanker?

    The fact he was the fastest rookie in his first year and won races with broken feet and ankles? He forced Rossi out of Yamaha by beating him on his own bike.

    He did this without arguing or fighting with rossi. Rossi put a wall up in the garage and spat the dummy out wih Michelin while Lorenzo just got on with it. No fuss. No talking bollocks. Just proper racing.

    That last lap by Lorenzo on Sunday was one of the best thought out overtakes/last laps I have ever seen. The sort of thing Rossi used to do before he got obsessed with moaning about injury/bike/lack of engineer blah blah

    Lorenzo had some horrendous injuries in 08 and 09 and was still doing the business. A class act.

    Over 1 lap stoner is fastest
    On his day (few and far between) pedrossa is unbeatable
    Developing a bike Rossi is top drawer
    Thinking and racing to his strengths and the conditions and getting the best result for the season not just the race Has to be Lorenzo. A real thinking racer

    He totally deserves the championship last year. Had Rossi been fit all year Lorenzo still would have beat him

    Rossi was playing all the games. All the smack talk and all the poitics and it was Lorenzo that got into HIS head and made home leave Yamaha. The only time a team mate threatened him and he bottled it
    #11 flatstickHRC, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  12. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Hell yeah im with Bats giving covering fire all the way. Regiment 42 Commando baby. . .
  13. wild bill

    wild bill Active Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Totally agree ;)
  14. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Don't think so. What have any of them (except Rossi) ever done really.

    Simoncelli still hasn't done anything. By the time pedrosa Lorenzo or stoner were into their second year on factory bikes they had about halve a dozen race wins under their belt.

    Rossi has had his day. He has been challenged by a new rider and played his mind games like he did with sete and biaggi but this time they didn't work so spat the dummy out and left the best team at the time.

    He moaned for a new ducati and had his ass kicked by Hayden on the old one and a Suzuki with a smaller budget than any of them at the weekend

    Lorenzo is the new Rainey.
  15. wild bill

    wild bill Active Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    If you read the post you would see Bats wrote "likability", nothing to do with achievements.

    You watch and see what happens if Simmo ever gets a ride on a M1 or RC212V, i believe you will be eating humble pie flatstickHRC

    Also, you've got to remember Lorenzo got on a race winning bike that was developed by Rossi over many years, yes i know he's good but the glory has been handed to him on a plate.
  16. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Simoncelli is on a factory rc212v same as the repsol bikes. All he has done is managed to bend them. The amount of unforced errors in his second season is abysmal

    His team mate aoyama is on last years bike.

    And the Talk is dovi is getting the sack in 2012 so simoncelli gets his bike and he is 3rd in the championship! What a joke

    Don't get me wrong Rossi is/has been great and I doubt his records will ever be beaten but ever since the michelin/bridgestone swap mid way thru the season and his blatant tacticts to force Lorenzo out of a well deserved factory bike I really took a dislike to him.
  17. wild bill

    wild bill Active Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Fair point (even though you knew i ment the Repsol factory bike), i can't argue the fact that his performance has been quite bad but you have to admit he is now finding his footing. I just like the fact he don't bow down to the so-called top guns and rides on the ragged edge all the time, his "hell for leather" attitude makes a pleasant change from the clinical rides that we're used to seeing...

    ...I personally think he's got world champion written all over him.

    Also, lets not write Rossi off just yet, it takes time to develop a race winning machine and sometimes you take two steps back before you move forward, it's obviously gonna be a while before Rossi gets the Duke dialled in but once he's got it how he wants it Moaner & Whore'Gay won't look so smug ;)
    #17 wild bill, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  18. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Contentious thread...

    Here's my two-pennithworth.

    I sort of agree with both of the main views here. To start with, just getting a MotoGP ride has got to make you qualify as an "Alien" really. I know, to a layman, a few seconds difference in lap times between Superbikes and MotoGP bikes doesn't seem that much but the physical riding of the things must be like going from touring cars to F1. Crutchlow even said so when he first tested one. So everybody who's there (with the possible exception of Abraham), has got there because they're better than everyone else, and to a degree I can't even begin to comprehend. On this level they should to a man be regarded as godlike entities, so there. Watching Stoner dragging the Ducati by it's scruff like a motocross bike over the last few years is what super slo mo was invented for. Lorenzo's ability to, almost visibly, lap by lap, learn how to go faster and tighter and smoother is a lesson in how "assimilate, adapt and overcome" should be applied. I know Pedrosa weighes the same as my skeleton but those starts!!!... and as for Sideshow Bob, once he understands the phrase "up to the limits of adhesion" then god help them all.

    So I honestly believe all of the above, but...

    I do also cringe at Lorenzo's PR posturing and the affectation in his stunts. I know the GOAT did them too, but somehow they were amusing and George just makes me feel embarrassed for him (Although I did think the popcorn infront of the Jumbtron was hilarious). Stoner does have a bit of the stereotypical Aussie sportsman about him in so far has his default setting is "I'm obviously going to win" and if proved wrong he flicks seamlessly to "somebody else caused that". I suspect that's why he refers to himself as "we" so much, so there's always someone there to blame. Pedrosa is one of the most gifted and talented riders on the planet. Would it hurt for him to smile once and a while. Simoncelli, well he just makes me laugh.

    So I do rate them all incredibly highly but it doesn't stop me ranting at the telly of a Sunday afternoon thinking of them as a bunch of tossers most of the time. I'm sorry, it's probably just me but I can't help it.

    All except for Rossi. I really don't want to be a groupie or anything but I just don't have the same interest in the sport if he's not riding. And when the race starts I find myself watching to see if Pedrosa can defy the laws of physics yet again and then my attention shoots to the back of the grid looking for the luminous 46. I just can't help it. Even when he's being a complete arse, I find him funny.

    So I think you're all right, but not as right as me.

    • Like Like x 1
  19. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Got to agree with the cringe worthiness of Lorenzo's stunts. they are are great riders. to get to the top flight they must be good.

    to add this was posted on another fourm

    Motegi boycott:
    So what do we think of Stoner and Lorenzo's decision to boycot the Motegi round on safety grounds (personal safety due to the proximity of the failed nuclear plant)? I think it took great strength of character to publicly announce their intentions. Personally, I wouldn't go near the place, so why should I expect others to? As for the "independant" inspection - so what? There are so many hugely powerful vested interests (Honda for one) that such an inspection would not carry much weight with me. I appears that most other (non-Japanese) riders may take the same view, but have not made an announcement. Maybe the "ringleaders" are hoping to generate a critical mass of support by stating their intentions.

    So far the list of riders not willing to attend Motegi is:

    Casey Stoner
    Jorge Lorenzo
    Andrea Dovizioso
    Valentino Rossi
    Dani Pedrosa
    Ben Spies
    Nicky Hayden
    Marco Simoncelli
    Colin Edwards
    Héctor Barberá
    Karel Abraham
    Álvaro Bautista
    Toni Elías
    Cal Crutchlow
    Loris Capirossi
    Randy de Puniet
    Stefan Bradl
    Marc Márquez
    Simone Corsi
    Alex de Angelis
    Bradley Smith
    Thomas Lüthi
    Andrea Iannone
    Randy Krummenacher
    Julián Simón
    Michele Pirro
    Aleix Espargaró
    Esteve Rabat
    Jules Cluzel
    Dominique Aegerter
    Yonny Hernández
    Max Neukirchner
    Alex Baldolini
    Pol Espargaró
    Mattia Pasini
  20. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    That's a chunky list.

    No, I agree, if nobody can give you a definite "it's safe" then it definitely isn't.

    A mate of mine has just come back from Chernobyl. He went there to photograph it. As if we didn't know what it looks like by now. Mad!

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