Motogp fans - possible spoilers within be warned

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Rossi all the way, he'll be back and what's with the comparing Lorenzo to Rainey? F**k OFF he is nothing like him, their from an entirely different time and ride nothing like each other. Great riders don't need re-emerging into the lime light by Lorenzo fans who think he carries that status because that's just piss poor accuracy and you have no idea what your talking about.

    Rossi will have his day back at the top once more for a 10th title, it will happen!

    Looking forward to Laguna Seca. . .
  2. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Ok I don't know what I'm talking about.

    I would hazard a guess I know more about racing than you but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Lorenzo and Rainey have been compared by better people than you or I. Their mental approach, bloody mindedness and riding style are very similar.

    Don't see what being from different eras has anything to do with it.

    Rossi is at ducati for a pay day. I was at silverstone an could see with my own eyes he was not trying. He has spat the dummy out big style.

    This season will be a wash out for him. They won't ditch the carbon airbox frame next year as its to far down the road and thats alot of humble pie to eat for ducati. Because of this the bike won't be at the front next year and he will retire or beg for a Honda or Yamaha again.

    I don't get this Rossi mania. I also don't get why people would rather see Rossi win by 30 seconds in a boring race than actually have a race.

    Are people not interested in racing? 2008 people cheered when stoner fell at laguna. That ruined possibly the greatest last 3 laps of racing for years.

    As for the Japanese GP sham

    If it is proven to be safe (which it will) Any rider who does not go should be deducted points.

    That is a total lack of respect for Japan and their employers. If it wasn't for the japs there would be no such thing as GP racing so the least they can do is fulfill their obligation and put a show on.
    #22 flatstickHRC, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  3. damodici

    damodici Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    I knew this would start :)

    I must admit, whilst i respect Rossi and his abilitys i dont get 'some' Rossi fans (read the 'some' part) who are so ridiculously blinkered to anybody else being good or any failings of the GOAT himself.

    It reminds me of school when take that had just come out, all the girls were just swooning over the smallest thing, they could fart and be mobbed.

    'some' Rossi fans are similar and ive never seen anything like it with another rider, where will those fans be when he retires?
  4. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Oh please "I know more about racing than you do" comment is you acting like a baby. Your quick to the defence of the man you clearly support but not once do you mention that he has any faults and are making him out to be some kind of saint. Compared to Rossi in the big boys class he's still practically a newbie so when you start making comments about Rossi's history remember that he has one for more of the right reasons than those that tend to overlay their own history with fault after fault.

    Your writing like your the defence lawyer for Lorenzo so clearly you think he needs defending, if I thought Rossi needed defending then I don't think he would be the rider he is today. Rossi is what he is and if I listed all of Rossi's achievements right down to him saving countless front end losses with just pure skill, ok and some luck then i'd be writing to you most of the night. But as I can see your going to respond to this with the starting comment as above "I know more about racing than you" I better stop wasting my time!

    Good luck this weekend, im sure Lorenzo will go very well! :)
  5. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Oh and on that note I do think Lorenzo is fantastic rider as is Stoner who I think is an out and out prick but that is just my opinion! Lorenzo is on very well developed bike and it will be testament to see what he can do next year with the 1000s.
  6. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Oh heah i forgot your a lap record holder so mist know more than most people about racing(!)

    At which point did I say Lorenzo was 'a saint' and when have I been supporting on personal level?

    I think he is the best rider in the world at the moment and admire his attitude. Almost Every race/battle worth watching since 08 has involved him.

    but don't agree with much of the publicity stunts he pulls.

    I watch racing though not big brother so don't give a toss who wins popularity contests.

    I want to see the best race not who has the prettiest helmet design.

    IMO 99% of Rossi fans don't have the faintest clue a out racing and just want to see him win just because he is the most popular.

    It's not miss world. It's racing.

    He dominated the 2009 season and it was the most boring years racing inthink I have seen. With the exception of maybe 3 races.

    You probably loved it though. Nonovertakig and Rossi leading from the front all the time.
  7. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Listen I admire people's passion to support the things they love the most. Your love for Lorenzo's racing is what it is as is mine for Rossi. I don't support Rossi because he leads and since your comment about him leading I have since reviewed the DVD's of every race I have of Rossi and have found this to be completely inaccurate. In fact he provided some of the most entertaining races of races and was and still is one of the only guys that wherever he is in the field after qualifying cuts through and makes overtakes like no other on the track. The only person other than this, which I do admit is Lorenzo. I hate the 30 second gaps we get with Stoner/Pedrosa and I love little Dani but it does seem that when these guys are under pressure especially Stoner he always blames his bike or his team or...its always something and never just him not being able to handle whatever the outcome. I used to love Stoner but I have gone off him so much because of his constant whinging and underhand comments. Anyway were all on two wheels sharing the same tarmac so I apologise if I started off on abit of a rant. Chin up and lets move on. . .
  8. wild bill

    wild bill Active Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Respect due Mr Devil, well said sir.

    Whole heartedly agree with your statement about Rossi and Whore'gay cutting through the pack, however i would like to add... every race this year should be entertaining with Simmo thirsty for a victory ;)
  9. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Thank you pal, and I agree, Simmo is providing entertainment on all levels. Love him! :)
  10. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Yes I agree let's keep things sensible.

    By the way i Think I'm going for pedrosa to win again this weekend. I know he's not fully fit but he's very good at this track and he seems to be able to get his tyre to last longer than other hondas at the moment. Pedrosa Lorenzo spies is my top 3. Rossi will be inside the top 6 as the bike isn't aS important at laguna.
  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Respect Devil. Great post. Great soother. Let them get back to racing, falling off because they push too hard, breaking down because they wear the bikes out. If anything they should force their PR people to fight out the rider's gripes, hand to hand with clubs and knives on desert islands that had been used for nuclear testing populated with dinosaurs and mutants until only one survives and then his iPad blows up and kills him too.

    Sorry, did I say that out loud....

    I met Tommy Hill last night, by the way. Top bloke. I told him he'd made me look small infront of Mrs kpone the other week when she was on at me that I should go out for a ride and that I was wasting the weather. So I told her it looked like it might rain and I didn't want to risk it, then he came on Eurosport at Oulton park in biblical rain riding like a demon and causing Mrs kpone to give me one of her "looks".

    He did laugh, but that may be because he thought I was a bit of a nutter. Come to think of it...
  12. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Hi kpone love your post, bloody hilarious mate! Great shout on meeting Tommy Hill, great rider too. There are many of us that would see the skies turn grey and either rocket home if already out or if already in just put the feet up. What the guys do in the rain is god like. ;-)
  13. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    flatstickHRC - All's good in the Devil's territory and i'll share an online brewski with you mate. Lorenzo rode well but was a little disappointed at him not being able to fight with Stoner. Pedrosa was my bet too but exhaustion I think played its roll in him not being able to push 100% towards the end of the race. Looking forward to him being fully fit again. As for The Doctor, well his bike plain and simple looked shocking, it was all over the place. I actually thought looking at his qualifying times that they had found something but it wasn't to be. Lorenzo is going to be hard to beat in the coming races as the Yamaha is working so well but I just jope he can mount a decent fairing bashing fight with Stoner. It just has to come. . .
    • Like Like x 1
  14. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Aye mate i cant be arsed to bicker about racing. No better than football supporters if we do and bikers surely have more sense than them (!)

    I thought the race was going to be epic at first.

    It's a real shame pedrosa and then Lorenzo faded due to their injuries towards the end. That could have been an amazing scrap to the end if all were fit.

    Also disappointed crutchlow had another DNF. it's becoming all to regular now. Obviously has the pace but seems to struggle with set up all the time

    Oh and the Japanese GP has been proven safe after the independent report.

    Any riders who boycott should be deducted points IMO.
  15. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Completely agree pal. Would have been an awesome scrap had it unfolded the way i initially thought it was going to. Yeah i feel for Crutchlow, if he can sort the set up of the bike we'll have one of our own maybe fighting at the front consistently. That would be so good.

    So the reports come back safe, should be interesting to see how it all unfolds.
  16. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    This is great.

    It's like being present at an intervention.

    Plus what a pleasure it is to be among intelligent, sophisticated, dare I say it, true renaissance men, who can discuss, debate and resolve their differences in forum in order to cement greater understanding of each other and the world we live in.

    Which should make it easier for us all to rise up together and rip the p**s out of Formula One.
  17. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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  18. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Careful, I think admitting to even reading an English newspaper at the moment may be illegal.

    as well as crass.
  19. BladeHRC

    BladeHRC Active Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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  20. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    to true fellas I for one love bikes end of! and these boys even the slowest on the grid would make us all look silly!

    We all have our favorites and ones we think are nobs but hey its all good and so are they ;)

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