Knee down advise

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Carl, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Ok guys I give up? I've never managed to get my knee down and its not for the want of trying. Tonight whilst out on a little spin I found myself alone on a roundabout and decided to give it another go.

    So backside off of the seat third gear 30 miles an hour and a 50 pence sort of line and nothing, I couldn't generate any more speed to hang off of the bike anymore than I was but 30 MPH should be enough surely?

    Whilst you were not there to see what I'm doing wrong any ideas or advice?

    Now don't laugh boys and girls, this is becoming an obsession? :confused:
  2. Villan

    Villan Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Its not about speed. Body position and point your knee OUT not down!

    Also it doesnt make you go any faster you know :)
  3. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    ...but it looks cool a fcuk! :D
  4. Villan

    Villan Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Yes it does ;)
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    But I'm sure that creaking noise shouldn't be coming out of my leathers when I try it.
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  6. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I got my knee down on my old Daytona 650, but only on the blade on certain left handers.... Must try harder. I hang off, maybe not enough?

  7. fordy99

    fordy99 Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Carl, lean mate and take deep breath. Arse off and stick your leg out, I know a few roads around Abbots Ripton near Sawtry that are definitely knee down candidates. That said although knee down on track is easy, I've never done it on the road, It feels like you are falling but the reality is that you are not. Let's get together and find some bends/roundabouts.

    Actually, if we manage to get to Donington then Melbourne and Goddards are dead easy to get your knee down - that's where I lost my virginity.

    Interesting fact - I've ridden a few bikes but the ONLY bike I've got my knee down on are the 07 and 08 Blades.
  8. lee711

    lee711 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2011
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    Just my 2peneth worth, after numerous attempts on the road some succsessful others not so, and a fair few track days - some trying to focus on KD and others focusing on position, speed and braking. I've come to the conclusion that yes it looks cool to walk into your local meet with well scraped sliders and it does feel good when you do touch down, but i now focus on trying to be smooth and fast and fluid, the knee touching the floor is a guide to the lean angle of the bike in the corner,and happens when it all comes together and doesn't prove how cool i am, if you lean off enough you can touch down at low speed but this doesn't necessarily mean your fast or smooth. Focus on getting your position right on the bike, flick in lean and look for the exit of the corner and it'll get there. Hope this helps and its just my opinion... :)
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    BLAGGERS Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I think mcn have a knee down video floating around in cyberspace. Its all about body position as stated above, as well as a decent road surface and confidence. I find it hard on right handers cos I cant get my bent n busted skeleton as comfy as I can on lefties. Having said all that, I hang off that much I nearly get my chin down while my knee is still 4ft off the ground.
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  10. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Bit more advice for you..... make sure you warm your tyres first! The first time I tried it was on the way home from my girlfriends in the morning. Nice quiet roads and loads of roundabouts en route. Only problem was cold tyres....ended up on my arse and watched a woman pick her way round myself and the bike and drive off!! Biiiiittttch !!!!!!

    BLAGGERS Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    And to add to the above: make sure it's not a left hander coming onto a picturesque stone walled bridge just outside northallerton. Looks grippy me, it's not.
  12. lee711

    lee711 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2011
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    Thankfully thats a bit out of district on the 1st.................
  13. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    I can't give advise as I not got mine down yet and I'm getting fed up as I can't understand why!
    I think I have plenty of lean angle and can't push knee out any further
    I have got 2 very blury pics (my mate isn't much of a camera man!) can anyone give me any advise from these?
  14. Horney

    Horney Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Chill out, don't become obsessed with it or you guys will end up crashing (£!) or doing something stupid. Do a track day and it'll just happen.
  15. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    A few pointers.

    Think about your whole body position, more the top half than the bottom (believe it or not)

    The top half of your body isn't hanging off enough, think about looking around the screen and not over it, your body position looks a too central to the bike in them pics.

    Get a mate to stand on the inside of a roundabout and indicate how far off you are or follow someone who can do it.

    This video helped me a few years ago when I was trying to get my knee down.
    MCN: How to get your knee down - YouTube

    Body Positioning when cornering - YouTube
  16. shanes

    shanes Active Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    as said a few post up get yourself to a track day and you will find it so much easier constant grip and you can work your way into it and get your tires nice and sticky .

    tips , get your inside bum cheek right off the seat , put the centre of the ball of your foot on the end of the peg means your foot will be at 70-80 degrees from the bike turned out - this allows your knee to swing out much further , drop your inside blow down and your head ends up beside the tank .

    if your sitting on your bike on the stand feet normal position swing your knee out and see where it goes , now put the centre of the ball of your foot on the end of the peg and swing you knee out you will see why you where not touching before unless you get your foot position right your knee won't go out far enough .

    not the best pic but you can see what i was trying to say with my foot position
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  17. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Very helpful stuff. i also have not managed to do it yet on the blade. so got a mate to follow me and video me. i though i did hang of the bike but watching the video i realised i was more central that michael rutter :) my lean angle was easily enough but my body possition was terrible. roll on the next warm evening and lets see what happens
  18. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Great response guys, I'll play about a bit more, perhaps I have one eye on dropping the bike and lack confidence?
    I've seen the mce Video a few times using it as a guide to body position etc.
    I know it doesn't make you faster infact quite the opposite, perhaps once I have been successful ill not need to do it again?
  19. crin

    crin Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    The best advice I got was firstly to move diagonally back from the tank and into the bend before entry. The space you create by doing this allows you to get your body off without twisting it. Secondly get your head close to your inside grip but again, ensure you don't twist your body.
    As said keep your inside foot on the ball of your foot or you will destroy your boots, as I did to to my stars.

    Just build up to it slowly and you'll crack it but it is far easier on a track when you know nothing will get in your way... Unless your in group 3 that is
    #19 crin, Jun 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  20. Gazza13

    Gazza13 Member

    Mar 4, 2012
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    Guys a lot of people move their body over but in doing so they twist their body as well causing the knee to point more inwards rather than out! Hope that makes sense.
    If taking a right handed corner or round a bout move your body over to the right with one cheek of your bun off the seat. Your left arm should be inline and maybe resting on the left hand side of the fuel tank. Now lean!
    As others say make sure tyres are warm, your in a gear that gives smooth exceleration not jerky!
    There is a nice roundabout in Peterborough that if you keep a constant 60mph you can get your knee down and it's smooth. Just pick a time when the roads and roundabouts are quiet!

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