Careful Fez, The Repsol's are pack animals, and don't take kindly to banter. They usually travel very slowly around towns so people can see there bright plumage (which is always fly, dust and bacteria free). When their dominance is challenged by the stronger, better looking and rare all White models they react instantly with tales of Stoner's skill and the bikes race breed credentials and how they are a limited edition only produced every two years with limited numbers, Strangely at every bike meet you only see Repsol's, unlike the lesser spotted white blade !! Be warned they will return and attack in greater numbers ! Good luck my friend and thanks for being strong enough to fight the league of extraordinarily bright orange bikes. I would join you but once bitten twice shy, they told me that HRC stood for Homosexual Racing Colors once and I am still not quite over it
Hmm...Didnt realise there was a Repsol pack... I shall go searching - Fear not i am neutral See my orange Wheels...they change there colour to White when they sleep.. lol
If you make it through there ghastly and demeaning initiation ritual (Looking at Remal's new calender pics of him oiled up draped over his repsol) you will be lost to us forever, the choice is yours, good luck Sorry a little incy wincy bit bored today
The hunting in packs thing is true. I tend to think of them more like bananas. Bent and hanging around in batches. Here in Jurassic Park you have to be more wary of the rare examples of less evolved denizens of earth's history and keep looking over your shoulder for glimpses of the Bladiosaurarse Rex, the true king of beasts. You never know when it's coming until it's gone past and your only real chance of catching a glimpse is at twilight, just when it's getting dimpsy and you just see this getting bigger and bigger in your mirrors, until....