Hi all, Thanks for having me. Fireblade due for collection in mid July. I've wanted one ever since I was doing my CBT in 1993 and a bloke turned up to watch his missus on a black one. It just looked like the most unbelievable machine and it didn't help when he shot off up the road afterwards giving it the full beans. Currently on a new CBR600F - which I bought in March. Took it in for it's 600 mile oil dump and the dealer offered me a test drive on the 2012 Fireblade. Bastard. Didn't stop giggling for a day afterwards and after a month of not liking my CBR6 as much as I used to, gave in. Got a fair price to change from the dealer which made my mind up for me. The only problem is that the missus will murder me if she thinks I've changed up bikes already so I'm going for the black version to match my CBR6. I guarantee she won't notice. The black one was the one I've always liked anyway..... Anyway, look forward to learning from you all. Trying to work out if a tail tidy is worth it and just how mucky it'll get without a hugger. Cheers Tom
welcome in mate!! great intro.... legend staus straight away for hiding it from the mrs!!!! tail tidy a must... but get the shop to do it, it's a complete ball ache.....
Hi & Welcome.. Its a big jump from a 600 to the blade - i am sure you will be happy with your purchase..What color is it? any extra's on the bike? I bought my second blade without telling my wife.. Get some pics up...
Welcome on board. You did the right thing in getting the Blade, just hope that your missus doesn't twig too soon.
Hi mate. What sort of bike ya getting? What colour? How many wheels? Does the wife know? Are ya fitting a tail tidy? Do ya ride at the moment? Did you do your cbt? Have you seen them black blades? As said, legend for keeping it from the missus. Dont forget to post some pics when you get her.
I think the wife might twig when all of a sudden you are on the back wheel and she is thinking "this hasnt happened before" Lets just hope you live long enough to enjoy it when she finds out
You meet very few, pure optimists as you go through life... Hi Tom, welcome in. Great intro. Shame you didn't describe the bike a bit better....Colour etc, but never mind. Cheers Ken
Welcome to the club, photos are a must and black blades are the fastest FACT, ignore the HRC boys and common as muck Repsol boys!
Respols are like clits... every c*nt has one... lol HRC is faster than black, simples... its the pure DNA in which your lesser watered down machines a formed from. you wouldnt see big mac racing a black one now would you??
welcome dude...a good start and like your style. Awesome second bike, and you've gone for a brand spanker too. Nice! Where in sussex are you? P&H or Dobles sorting you out?
Aren't the fastest ones the HR.......'s. They're a lot lighter because the bit of fairing with the 'C' on it is somewhere up a tree in Kent..........?
Cheers guys I'm in Brighton - PH are my local dealer and this will be the third bike I've bought from them. Ray is a good guy, very helpful. I've had a couple of yams and a Ducati 600 then a couple of Hondas but never had a litre bike before. I'll probably only buy Honda again just for the supreme engineering and build quality. My bike gets parked at the end of my missus's parking space as she has a mini and theres loads of room, so she sees it every day. Honestly though, as long as it's black and parked the same way round she'll never notice! Hopefully.
Hi Plake, welcome to the nut house!! You will surely be happy with the Blade, but I am sure you will soon wish you had gotten a black one... Cua those HRC's are too fast, meng!!!