Well I've had a shit day , when your in a rush , every fu*ker gets in ya way push bikes , tractors , L drivers , and f**king caravans , Now I'm having a cider end of rant .
I've had to put up with the sister-in-law last night and today. I came home from my ride yesterday to find her on the sofa with the missis watching fookin Made in bastard Chelsie. This led to a swift couple of Crabbies ginger ale last night. Today I finished work at 1200 after a good old beasting, came home and cracked a Crabbies without even thinking about going for a ride DOH! This has led to drinking all afternoon with the wife and her sister, BBQ complete and now having a glass of wine. I'm planning on an early rise and a good run out tomorrow.
Oh Bugger i forgot Fridays wine O`clock, back in a min.......................... Phew that's better cheers.
On my 2nd big glass of wolfblas, chardonnay dontchaknow, wot wot........sat with the gf.....curry ordered, well deserved since i'm full of stinking cold and been grafting til 7.30. Sounds good dunnit? Well, its not, I gotta sit n watch fookin laffalympics bollocks with her. Shite. Tried watching summat else in dining room but got dragged back into sitting room. I'd fook off home if i'd remembered to buy some food.
Hi mate I've really got to meet you , cause every time you post something you make me laugh everytime
Glad to be of service mate Have a nice cold 1 for me. Can't really complain though. I had a proper skinfull last weekend that took me till Tuesday to recover.
At least my crappy luck and crappy life makes someone smile. Always knew I MUST be good for fookin summat...
I managed to convince the wife that as her sister was coming for the weekend we should invest in a 4 bottle sized box of wine. I'm working my way through it now that the wife is in bed
Blaggers mate. You are an inspiration to us all. If I'd been dealt the hand you have recently, I'd be too shit scared to get out of bed. You, on the other hand, have cracked on, got on with it and laughed at yourself in the process while encouraging us all to join in. In another thread tonight you were waxing about losing sight of the things that are still great in Britain. I think you're looking too far off dude, wind in and look a bit closer, Yorkshire grit, mate. Oh, and the Red Arrows, obviously.
Should be the national anthem, that. Remind everyone of why, when you look at the globe, Britain's in the middle, at the top? Now then. Where's Me bow of burning gold?
Just thrown some belly pork asparagus tips, Corn on the cob and a couple of stuffed mushrooms across the BBQ over a few Budwieser. A nice bottle of Yellow Tail white, followed by a few more Budwieser. My last night off so making the most of it. Next day off is the northern run part 2 And I'm at the feckin dentist in the morning:-/