Why cant women just be normal

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fez.57, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    It will all be fine. she has cheered up today as i bought her a massive bar of galaxy. over the worst of it now . . . untill next month
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  2. stevebetts

    stevebetts Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I've been married for nearly 22 years now.
    I love my wife very much and she is the best woman in the world.
    I always do as im told straight away.....................

    Sorry people, just had to wrestle the laptop back off Karen.
  3. Benn The Pig

    Benn The Pig Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Lol steve
  4. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I was with my ex since school, married for 20 years before the wheels finally fell off. Her special week was like a living nightmare; even the kids had a warning code of patting their backsides (she’s got her arse in hand style).
    Been with Ling for a few years now and cant remember the last time we had a real argument, we had plenty in the beginning mainly about my ex or my kids but now its all good now, we laugh all the time, mainly her laughing at me I have to admit. She is very tolerant as I know I am not easy to live with.

    I wouldn’t change a thing about her. Love her to bits.
  5. Fletch

    Fletch Active Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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  6. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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  7. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Tee shirt Fez??
  8. nobbycbr

    nobbycbr New Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Dont bother trying sorry ladies but you is Aliens here to destroy mens souls !!!
    Stick to bikes yer mates booze and masturbation but not at the same time lol.

    BLAGGERS Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Asked my dad about women n marriage etc. he told me the first 10 years are hard, then it's a bastard.
  10. Fletch

    Fletch Active Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Well, my philosophy has always been that men and women are different species rather than different genders of the same one. I, for one don't understand all the things that make them tick in the same way that I don't understand exactly what my cat means when he meows at me. I do, after many years however get the idea. And that is the best I'm likely to get.

    Now girls, please don't get upset by this, but despite what you and your 'sisters' seem to think. It is a two way street. And in fairness, you don't even make as much effort to understand 'blokeness' as we do to get our head around you guys. What you do is tolerate us. Not the same thing at all. We put the toilet seat down, despite it not making the slightest bloody difference to how the thing functions. We don't understand why, we don't really care. We just know that for some reason, only important to the fairer sex, that's the way it's got to be, and do you know what? It's not important to anyone but you. And that's the point. I admit we're not clever enough to 'get' you, but we do toe the line and do these male-illogic things, just to keep you off our backs. We give in and treat you with kid gloves when you're depressed and we, honestly, can't see any reason that's to scale with the reaction. And believe it or not, having to say 'you know what you've done', doesn't work. If we really did, we'd make ourself scarce just about the time you found out.

    And here is the point. We don't try to make you more 'aware' of our inner selves and change you into nose picking, public farting, arse scratching animals. In other words a bloke. So why should we feel guilty when you go off on one when you fail to stop us from doing all of the above. You just failed, get over it.

    Think about it the next time we say nothing when you give a bung to your useless, parasitic brother the next time he falls on his arse through nobody's fault but his own, or turn a blind eye when your sister lays her screaming, self destructive kids on you when she needs the kind of self indulgent 'me' time you can only get if you don't sell yourself as some kind of breeding animal when they're too young and stupid to listen to your advice years ago and now think you have some duty to be there for them despite it. Or smile sweetly the next time we have to sit opposite your mother at the dinner table listening to how, with a bit more effort, you could have done much better for yourselves. And imagine your reaction if we inflicted you with those self same restraints.

    Not much of a fee for putting up with our stinky feet on the sofa really, is it?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. honda.ima

    honda.ima Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    My wife found an ear ring in her car 4 months ago, asked me if I knew where it had come from?
    A month later it had disappeared?
    Three months later after giving it much thought it was obvious to her I was having an affair!!!
    What followed has been two weeks of hell as she does not believe in Magic or fairies.
    Quite when I have used her car or given a girl a lift on the back seat I was unable to say,.
    Being over 50 fat and well past my best, still having problems with my water works after two operations on my bladder / kidneys apparently does not stop me having a misdemeanour in her car causing a girl to lose her ear ring.
    I wish.
    She has checked all my credit cards and bank statements just in case and double checks everything I am doing, last night she came to the conclusion that I just want to have an affair and if I do she will skin my balls with the preverbal blunt rusty spoon.
    One of us could do with some help, I have started twitching.
  13. Movistar

    Movistar Active Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    Jesus that one from nervous is mental
  14. Gazza13

    Gazza13 Member

    Mar 4, 2012
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    Guys i know what you mean.
    I was married for 16years and we was together from the age of 17 and me 20. However she felt the need to shag what i thought was a friend of mine from another forum 5 years ago.
    I thought we was happy and never see it coming! he asked her to move in with him but when she said what about our kids he said now just you!! this was after he shagged her!
    I stayed with her and tried to make it work but i just couldnt and walked out of my life 8 months later! Hardest decision i have ever had to make but i had to do it was i was so unhappy and felt if this guy said yeh kids can move in she would of gone!
    Anyway over 2 1/2years ago a ex from when i was 16 contacted me through facebook! we are getting married 2 weeks today just me and her in las vegas.
    She is lovely and wouldnt swap her for the world.
    When we split we both got together with other people and married them in the same year! we both had two children, then we both got divorce the same year after our Ex's cheated on us!
    When you get older you work out you need to work at a relationship and talk things through.
  15. BlackDevil

    BlackDevil God Like

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Sad story, but with a happy ending !

    Congratulations, wish you all the best for the future !

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