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Nov 29, 2024
Jan 24, 2012
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Elite Member, from Somewhere smoggy...

BoroRich was last seen:
Nov 29, 2024
    1. Stealth
      Not really into Xmas and i,m working through anyway. Got myself a new ZZR 1400. A mans gotta have a 200+bhp bike once in his life. Can,t find your moby, here,s mine 07795 023368, let me have yours, ta
    2. Stealth
      Hello mate its Ryan (ex Black 2012 Blade), hope your well. Got a new bike so if your still mobile i hope we can get some miles in next year.
    3. bluekontakt2004
      hey mate, the suomy is a little on the small side. Its an itallian branded lid afterall lol. when i first started to use it I hated it, Pressure points on my forehead but after about 500 miles use they had vannished and now its the best helmet i have ever used.

      Only clean the visor with warm water and a soft cloth. You will rub off the anti fog coating like i did :-/

      Visor change is a pain in the ass. Lid has good ventilation.

      Never tried an arai lid so couldnt tell you about the simmilarities in fit.
    4. fez.57
      will your mate be coming with you on sunday this time ?
    5. fez.57
      im sure all will be fine on sunday, cant remember if i told you the time but we are meeting at the helmsley petrol station again at 10.20 this time so we can set off at 10.30 just so we are on time this time
    6. fez.57
      im guessing you mean its still under warranty from the garage you bought it from but i thought 2nd hand bikes tend to come with an engine and gearbox cover only
    7. fez.57
      might be worth asking if its safe to ride then just to leave it for a week, but surely it wont take a main dealer 1 week to fix a mounting bolt, lets hope it gets sorted
    8. fez.57
      whats wrong with it ?, is it still that engine mounting bolt
    9. fez.57
      are you planning on meeting me at helmsley again next sunday ?
    10. fez.57
      now then, i have been looking at the calendar and have settled on a couple of dates to hold the next northern run, i have 2 dates in mind and they are august 12th and august 19th, it depends on how many people can attend either date. But i hope we can plan it for august 12th and then push it back to the 19th if the weather is crappy on the first sunday, i will not post anything on the forum about it just yet as i want to let lee get his wales ride out sorted, so just thought i would give you a little heads up so its not too short notice
    11. fez.57
      Which do you think is the best route from helmsley to hawes. thirsk-ripon-middleham or thirsk-nothallerton-bedale ?
    12. fez.57
      Now then mate i think its just going to be you me and ash meeting at helmsley now as its much easier for the other guys to take a different route and we will just meet them at hawes. i was thinking meet at helmsley about 10.30 just so it gives us a bit of extra time for heavy traffic ect. is that ok
    13. fez.57
      yeh that sounds like a good route, will just have to wait and see who else is wanting to come, then we might have to make some slight changes but i think that is a good base route to work from
    14. fez.57
      now then mate just checking if you are still wanting to come for the ride out i am trying to arrange, please let me know if you will be coming then i can plan a route that will be ok for everybody, thank you
    15. kpone
      Rich. If you generate a poster in the Keep calm poster, then go to "buy now", it generates a new preview of the picture. If you right click on the image then, you get a "save image as" option. It defaults to a .png file. Any half decent image manipulation software will read it. It's still not hugely big but it's shit hot for embedding into other documents. I've already used "Keep Calm and Buy Ink" for a newsletter.
    16. kpone
      I'll have a butchers at the keep calm thing again when I get back to work mate. The broadband's in the dark ages at home.
    17. fez.57
      Sunday 1st july. is this day any good for you for the meet at squires