Anyone have any input on decent quality d/b screens (04-07) I've had a Zero Gravity one on my bike for a while, but I think it's poo. I've gone back to the standard item as the plastic is much thicker and in the 6 years of having been about and kicked up and down the garage floor a few times it's still intact. The Zero Gravity one has chipped and has also spider cracked at the mounting points and is pretty useless. I only want to change as the stock one is too low for wind buffering. Anyone any suggestions?
tbh Double Bubble Screens are a bit hit and miss. Std screen gives a nice amount of wind on my Shoulders,chest and helps for sustained high speed riding. DB screen moved it higher and buffeted my head around also made my arms ache during sustained high speed riding. Also most DBs look completely gash.
I've got an MRA one and it's a thicker plastic than the OEM of my 954. The plastic has a much less brittle feel to it too. I spoke to Ben Hunter at BikeHPS about it at length before buying and have been really pleased with it. Much, much more efficient than the Honda one at motorway speeds.
F.Fabbrri was the only one I got on with now you mention it. it was not too high for wind buffeting on head and looked just right. Might see if I can pick one up for mine.
Pretty certain the profile for a newer bike is different but this is how it looks on mine. And here's the difference in profile between it and the OEM
Had MRA on my first blade, and F.Fabbri on my second... both ran for 2.5 years with no issues whatsoever... bloody good stuff. Have just fitted a Zero Gravity to my 07 blade, and rate it highly... will have to see how it lasts over the coming years though. I spent a LONG time looking at the screens on offer for 07 blades... my conclusions were: - wanted MRA, but the shape is very square (much like in KPone's pics above)... I felt it didnt suit the shape of the bike (personal perference though...) - would happily have bought F.Fabbri again, but the missus was buying, and the websites that had stock didnt look safe (she's a very cautious on-line shopper) - which left Zero Gravity... first time I've had one... in fact none of my mates have ever had one either, so little to compare against... so far so good (thats only 2 months though!) HTH
Magical Racing from Japan matey........absolute quality if a bit pricey......perfect fit and protection
I've posted this before but the MRA screens are very high quality, probably better than Honda originals. Used one on my RR4 for four years, perfect fit and good resale when changed bikes.
well i have just orderd a hi screen for my repsol just openen her up for the first time. now run in and being 6.1 the standerd screen did jack shit. had a d/b on the r1 and it was spot on this one isnt a d/b just the hi screen hope it works for £97 has to have the repsol sticker on it other wize it would look crap. gather thats why its that price?