I would like to say hello as I am new to the site. I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and I think it's awesome. Look forward to swapping info and having a laugh with you all soon. Regards Ps a pic of my stunning new blade ( its my seventh)
Welcome mate, very nice bike you have there! Another Lincs member, we are trying to set up a longs group ?
Thanks Bubba, apologies for the chicken strips as only rode it back from the dealers last Friday, it was flipping freezing and the roads were plastered in salt.
Hoopy frood even. Welcome along mate. You're already complaining about chicken strips and salt. You're going to fit in well here.
Thanks for the replies!! Cheers for the compliments on the bike really looking forward to getting out on it and really really looking forward to getting it paid off!! The 0% finance was just too good to miss
Which part of this beautiful county are you? Don't worry I will not get any more personal than that, Kenneth may do though but he's from the West Country
Welcome mate, another Lincolnshire lad, quite a gathering now, nice looking bike too Is that your 2nd ride in the background too??
Hi and welcome from another Lincs member, boy are we getting strong in numbers! Nice looking Blade fella
Hi mate and welcome Any feedback against new new from just turned old? Spoke wheels are gaining on me, apart from that it was just the new shiny blue Showa fork tops! Enjoy
Hi ukdutypaid! Can't really tell just yet as I haven't been able to give it a good summer ragging!! The new suspension seems a lot better for our rubbish roads. In terms of the spoked wheels, they look gorgeous but are a complete pain to clean.
Welcome to the forum Dess, nice bike and I see you have all the right bits fitted, just the rear pegs to sort out