Hi Saul and welcome to the site. Really like the scheme on your bike. You were doing well 'til I scrolled down to the flip flops. Careful mate people could easily mistake you for an Aussie.
Hello'n'welcome Saul great photos mate! I must thank you for enlighting me! with me being Scottish and all I've heard of flip flops and thought they were a bit of an urban myth but to actually see them in the flesh is mind blowing! Oh nice bike to mate lol I've just booked up for the TT fortnight 2014 so might see you there dude
Hi Saul and a big welcome to the forum, i've been to Kiwi many many times, i used to go to Wigram Raceway in the seventies saw some good racing there sadly i been told it is no more and is a bloody housing estate is this true ?. I may see you sometime and share a few jugs, it's snowing here so no biking at the moment, it's more like Bluff than Tauranga, nice pics eh !
Welcome Saul, like the look of the bike, that can looks excellent. Also nice to see what Tarmac is supposed to look like again, not covered in snow and slush
Welcome to the forum great shot of you and your blade Not sure about your footwear in the 2nd shot !!!!
Wow what a bunch of friendly buggers thanks for the warm welcome. Don't you guys/girs wear jandels (flip flops) in the summer? Clearly not on the bikes but just for going to the beach and mucking around? Thanks again, hopefully I can contribute to the site.
Terrible things like that can happen very easily mate. You should be aware and take precautions. I'm just saying is all. I don't really know you but I'd hate something like that befall you all the same.