I imagine with a micron race can this system will be extreemly loud. My 05 is allready really loud with the stock headers with the cats in.
we dont get the same bother with noise up in scotland, there is no noise restrictions at race tracks either, .a few of my mates have growler systems on their bikes, and they are really loud
As Micron closed down a while ago, new stock is now not available. I bought it for my bike, as if you look at all the power curves of the top race systems out there, this is right at the top. The only reason I went for an Akra evo Ti system, cos my budget changed. Micron are certainly not anywhere near the loudest out there, I've had 2 full systems on earlier bikes with no issues at all. A nice deep tone, not offensive at all. Check the spec sheet I included. As stated, its a 63.5mm link pipe, any can for this model CBR could be made to fit. Seeing as the Akra on my '07 was for an '04/'05 & only req'd a small amount of Dremel work on the fairing, I cant see any reason why this wont fit the earlier bike.
Nice system your selling, and a fair price, but i do have one reservation about your post, i had the top of the range Titanium Serpent header system, large bore, direct from SMR honda, it was the full factory jobbie, and it didnt make as much power as the Arrow Large bore system i replaced it with, also the Akra makes more power, on the same bike, dyno, conditions etc. Oh, and on my previous bike, 07 zx10r with serpent header system, it had to have baffles in otherwise it would fail noise tests everywhere.
Ok, firstly, a large bore works system is intended for a works engine, which is why they wont work as well on a stock or mildly tuned motor(yr Micron being for a BSB motor?) , hence my reference to the Arrow system & why I turned one down... Secondly, please do trawl through the endless exhaust data, as I did & then draw a conclusion. As far as noise levels go, its there in black & white! OBVIOUSLY IT WOULD VARY, DEPENDING WHAT CAN YOU FIT...
yes and 107db will get you kicked of every single track in the uk unless the run no limits like knockhill. the limit is 105db at every track in the uk apart from mallory (no limit) and donington has no limit days.
Large bore for works motors only? Strange how they are used on superstock motors like mine then. Exhaust Data? Dyno results with no variables are the best data Oh well, not to argue.
Superstock...I've seen silly figs on the dyno's at the TT for them, lol! I cant be more upfront with the info provided, it is what it is, end of. Not interested in a debate & appreciate any new member of a forum is under scrutiny to a degree. Being a longstanding member of other bike forums, I will say anything I post is carefully considered & based on fact.
Bumped, I can offer a choice of can, if required(additional cost, obviously)with or without removeable db killer. MHP Exhaust